Today's Lesson: Maintenance Spanking

Continued from: The Duality of BDSM

[spanking] [domestic discpline] [F/f] [F/m]

Welcome back to another lesson, everyone, where I will continue along the same thread of defining and breaking down my wonderful world of D/s relations. 

Last time, I illustrated and explained that my D/s world has two distinct sides, two buckets if you will. 

Mandatory (admin)

It's non-sexual, she is using an implement of opportunity in this one, being her slipper. I'm sure there is another implement of opportunity in her purse which may come next. It's real, it's domestic, it is the spanking of an adult male by an adult female. It's perfect and it is often times, a form of anticipation or foreplay to what comes next.  

Electives (ops)

Now things are sexualized. I won't return to "admin" again, for the rest of the session, even though some impact play directed at the buttocks could still occur. There will be no more official cornertime, no hairbrush over-the-knee...we did that already and if I did my job correctly, the bare bum should be good for several days!

I want that vibrancy of colour to remain for his full thirty minutes of cornertime. When we move onto ops, the numbness of his bum, caused by repeated impact will have faded away, leaving only the delicious sting that will linger for the next phases of whatever I want to do to him. By bedtime, the red will have faded to pink and I still want the colour to remain well into the next day and begin to fade by day two. 

The way I achieve this is not by spanking harder, it's by spanking longer. Lengthy, drawn-out admin sessions, to build layer upon layer on and into the bare bum, and I remain within those domestic-type parameters to keep things clearly on the admin side of the house. 

Can I use specialized furniture on the admin side, to better present and display the bare bottom? 

Sure I can! 

One of my favourites, a flat bench position with the hips bolstered and bottom elevated for a belt or strap. Can I use bondage on the admin side, to make the spankee feel more vulnerable, more helpless? 

Absolutely I can and I will! 

Should I give Summer a spanking on her bare bum, with a hairbrush, while she's trussed up in this contraption, a fucking machine working her pussy, a gag in her mouth? 

A very lovely setup but, no...because now I've entered into the ops side of things and the lines will become blurred between the two. End one first, then start the other.

Do you absolutely need to do one before the other? Nope...but I have found the best results by doing admin before ops. Can you do admin without the ops or ops without the admin? Sure, you totally can, it's all flexible. 

But if you consider the admin side to be the foreplay for the ops side, this is where the real magic happens. Where you hear things like, "omg, that's never happened to me before!" As a trembling submissive describes an orgasm they just had, that was so ferocious they surprised even themselves. 

So, allow me to tie this all together and recap the maintenance spanking, I'll use my wife, Summer as our example. 

Step 1: 
Summer is informed, well ahead of time, that she will be receiving a maintenance spanking on Sunday evening, at 7:00PM. She is told how to dress and present herself and is told where she is to report at 7:00PM. Whether it is a day before or a few hours before her session, her butterflies will be stewing with anticipation. 

Step 2: 
Summer sheepishly arrives in her designated outfit, which is usually an age-regressed style, and she acknowledges why she is there. "Mommy, I'm here for my spanking," is a common line I hear from her mouth. If it's a pinup dress, hose and pearls, Summer will instinctively address me as "Mommy". If it's corporate lady boss attire, pant suit style or pencil skirt, she will call me "Ma'am'.

As for my demeanour, I'll be maternal and soothing. Summer will be encouraged, she will be told that it's okay to need this, that she is brave for asking for this dynamic, that she is loved, cared for and will be supported during this vulnerable ordeal. 

Step 3: 
I will have Summer stand in the corner, reminding her of the consequences for moving or making a sound during her timeout. From standing to kneeling corner time, a bare bum, a pantied bum and the positioning of her arms and body for this, I usually change up week-to-week. The duration for maintenance, is typically fifteen to twenty minutes before her session begins. 

Step 4: 
This is where I will take my time, slowly clicking around the room and house, setting things up for the impending spanking. If there is a nice flat bench in another room, I'll prepare a bolster for her hips and lay out the implements that correspond with that position, I chose a belt and two leather straps. 

In the living room, another array of implements will be prepared and displayed, along with the quintessential straight-backed chair. 

I would have set a timer for Summer's timeout, so at this point I'll check that, I want her to experience the vulnerability of a good 15 - 20 while I take in the rooms I've staged, specific areas to be used and the implements prepared. 

From the previous post the most successful order I use is: hand, leathers/synthetics, wood, hand. I was also using a scale of severity that was simple 1 through 10, as it relates to each implement but I kept stopping at 8. Longer not harder, right? 

Step 5: 
Now it becomes my spanking plan, quite literally like a script, where I take each of these sets from severity level one, up to about a five or six until the session progresses. And I'm going to do that twice. So think about it like one set, two reps.  

OTK hand - panties up
    (level one up to five)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to six)
OTK hand - panties down
    (level one up to five)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to six)
Arm of couch - leather paddle 1
    (level one up to five)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to six)
Over back of chair on tiptoes - leather paddle 2
    (level one up to five)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to six)
*dress off - panties off - bra off* (just personal preference at this point)
Diaper pose couch - leather paddle 3
    (level one up to five)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to seven) - note the gradual increase in intensity
Flat bench belt
    (level one up to six)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to seven)
Flat bench strap 
    (level one up to seven)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to eight)
*remember the care and encouragement - "you're doing so well, Summer, it's ok if you need to cry. We have a bit further to go with you today. You know this is for your own good, Summer."
OTK hairbrush
    (level one up to seven)
    (back to the beginning at one and bring her up to eight)
*her breathing, the presence of visible perspiration, her pleas to have the spanking end - should all be good indicators that we are in fact nearing the end.
OTK hand 
(level one up to six)
(back to the beginning at one and bring her up to six)
*rubbing and kneading of the bare bum, I'm spreading out her colour for evenness and using my hand to redden any areas that are lacking
(I might do a third or fourth rep here, so Summer can feel everything coming to an end)
(Rep 3: a one up to a five)
(Rep 4: a one up to a four)

I'd be happy if I was looking down at her over my knee and seeing this. 

Nice, even distribution of colour. No angry welts or wrap-around marks and just a touch of white, ashy splotches at the sit-spots, where more attention was paid with the brush. The thighs were a bit neglected in this image, that would be my only want to extend this redness just below the curve of the bum also. Overall, very well done though. 

Judge your own situation and your own knowledge of your submissive, but for me, this is not the time for aftercare, not yet. Summer will be going back to the corner as the admin side of the session is still running. I might tell her how long her sentence in the corner shall be, I might not, but for maintenance, again, a nice 15-20 should do and the bum will always be bare and displayed for this, no matter what her state of dress or undress. If there are other people in the house who might witness her in this state, even better! 

Again, I'll time this out and when the timer draws to a close, then it's all about the aftercare, baby lotion with her draped over my knees on the couch. She will be thankful and grateful that I care so much about her to spank her like this, when she needs it. 

At this stage she will be vulnerable, she will have experienced involuntary arousal during her timeout. Now the ops can start to creep in a little, as she kneels to kiss my high heels, my feet, in appreciation for spanking her. I'll encourage her to masturbate as her tongue glides effortlessly along the soles of my hosed feet. She'll help me out of my panties, relieve me of my panties and politely ask to go down on me. Next thing you know I'm dressed in leather, wearing a strap-on and we have successfully made a smooth transition from admin to ops. 

I'll leave you with a final thought to contemplate and a teaser to quite likely, the next post. 

Punishment spanking...

So what's the difference between what I just described above and a punishment spanking? Clearly it must be longer, harder...right? 


The only difference is in the way I'm speaking to her during the session. 

Noodle that one around, until next time. 

Mistress Andrea


Continued in: Punishment Spanking



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