Today's Lesson: Punishment Spanking

Continued from: Maintenance Spanking

[Domestic Discipline] [spanking] [Ff/m] [corner time] [humiliation] [OTK] [severe]

Riddle me this...

How do you truly punish a submissive via spanking, who's kink is to be spanked? 

Does someone need to be sobbing, in order for it to be a punishment? (Those look like crocodile tears)

Does the aftermath of someone's bum need to look like this, before it's truly a punishment? Using my previous scale of severity, do I just start at a ten, with no warm up at all?  

None of the above, actually. It's all in the demeanour of the person administering the spanking. 

For maintenance, the nice weekly or monthly reset I covered in the last post, you could even call it a therapeutic spanking - it's not only just the physical and emotional sensations of the experience, but also about the words I'm using. 

"You're doing so well Russell, Mommy is proud of you for asking to be spanked. It's okay to need to be over my lap from time to time, there's no shame in it, young man." 

And then I'm going to take Russell's maintenance spanking all the way to his limits, push those limits a little bit, until he is wishing it was over and feeling it for days. 

If I was going to punish Russell for something, I'm going to take Russell's punishment spanking all the way to his limits, push those limits a little bit, until he is wishing it was over and feeling it for days. I purposely repeated myself and in either scenario, he's going to be met with the same view: 

So what changes about my approach? What makes it a punishment? 

My words do: 

"I can't believe you forgot to..."

"How many times have I reminded you to..."

"I was twenty minutes late for that meeting because of your..."

"If you're gonna act like a naughty little boy, I intend to treat you like one." 

Or the worst possible scold of all time, amidst a spanking from a maternal or paternal disciplinarian: 

"You've really disappointed me..."

Other than the way I am speaking, the spanking will be administered in the same manner as the last post, building layer upon layer of colour and sting, so Russell is reminded of and feels the effects of his misbehaviour for days afterwards, which is no different than how I want his bum to feel after a maintenance spanking. 

Might I add some minutes to his corner time, given that it is a punishment and not maintenance? Yes, I probably would ensure he's in timeout for thirty minutes on either side of his spanking. Might I mix in the use of a cane where I would otherwise have used my slipper, a bath brush instead of a wooden spoon? Quite likely indeed. 

There are some aspects of punishment that are actually different than maintenance, not just my words, and it goes back to the riddle at the beginning. How do you punish someone via spanking, if they're into being spanked? You're going to have to do something that is actually unpleasant that they would want to avoid in the future, at all costs. 

One hour in the timeout corner, a mouth soaping, writing lines, a ginger fig, grounded to a room, a witnessed spanking...all while keeping things still in the admin, domestic discipline side of the house. And...does the punishment fit the crime? Did Sarah Jane just mouth-off to me over something silly? Is that why she has a red bum and a bar of Ivory in her mouth? 

If Sarah Jane is required to be in high heels in her maid attire and I catch her in flats, would I give her a mouth soaping? Probably not. I would likely punish the soles of her feet. 

Russell actually got a doozy the other day, a real one! And just like the structure of maintenance, he was told he was getting a spanking, why he was getting a spanking and when it would be happening. When he also learned that Summer would be present to witness the spanking, that's when the begging and pleading started, kissing at my feet and hoping for an alternative option. 

Winter in Canada is not survivable without chapstick. It's what we have to do, all winter long, to stay alive. Russell usually has one in his pocket at all times. When he forgets to remove this from his pocket, before his pants end up in the laundry, then the chapstick gets washed too. I've warned him about this many times! 

Washing a chapstick, no big deal. The dryer on the other hand, with my clothing also in it, with Summer's clothing also in it... 

This is Summer's new Aritzia trackie, which now looks like it came into contact with a pepperoni pizza slice. A pair of leggings of mine, now peppered with these grease stains also. This was the scene of the crime. Naturally I brought Russell to the scene to have a little "chat" about not only this occurrence, but the other times I have repeatedly told him to check his pockets before he does the laundry. 

I had him go fetch a chair from the adjacent office, bring it into the laundry room and position it for OTK. The wooden clothing brush hanging from the wall behind me was my implement of opportunity and I was pissed! But...never spank when you're angry... 

I took a breath and hung the brush back on the hook, abandoning that idea. I brought Russell over my knee and smacked him on his jeans while I continued to scold. 

After a few dozen smacks I helped him to his feet and sent him to his room like a child. 

"You are to remain in your room," I coldly explained, my tone now calm and confident. "I will be up to punish you in a little while."

And now, go back and read the last post because I am right back here again. Implement plan, spanking plan, order, location and positioning, right?

About one hour after I sent him to his room to stew in his own shame and embarrassment, I clicked towards the closed door and opened it, finding him seated on the bed with his head down. 

"Strip, and go stand in the corner, hands on your head." My words were direct, strict...enough to frenzy anyone's butterflies with my no nonsense approach. Once I had him down to just his cock cage, his nose buried in the corner, I took my time clicking in and out of the room in my commanding heels, setting things up, dragging in a chair, arranging my implements. 

As a co-victim of the chapstick incident, I called Summer upstairs to witness Russell's spanking, the humiliation alone, sealing the deal that this would be a true punishment for him. And again, I'm right back to the structure of my last post, set one, position one, set two, different room, different position, and so on. 

I gave him thirty minutes of corner time when his spanking was over, down in the living room near the large picture windows, while Summer and I just watched TV like it was a normal Tuesday night in a female-led, domestic discipline, BDSM relationship. He's lucky Sarah Jane wasn't here, I would have had her watch too, she was out for dinner with some friends. 

I don't mean to turn into Buzz Killington here, people, but the reality is, punishment spankings don't actually occur that often. Everyone in my household, my wife included, knows the rules and with very, very few exceptions, everyone abides by them. Masturbation is a big one for me, but the girls know better and behave, and I keep Russell's penis locked in a chastity cage, he can't misbehave in that manner if he wanted to.  

Over at Miss Julie's blog, she tried it once, for real. She and her hubby created and signed a domestic discipline contract, spelling out the terms of how and when SHE would be physically corrected, punished or "consequenced", as she put. 

I love the idea, it's an additional layer of control and vulnerability, a looming specter in the relationship that helps to govern the submissive's behaviour. It would have been so exciting for them to create and sign together. 

Another important aspect of punishment spanking is that it needs to be immediate, or very closely linked in time, to the time of the offence, otherwise it just loses its luster. So to engage in a successful domestic discipline relationship with real rules and real consequences, you need unwavering access to the spankee you are responsible for, which Julie and her hubs had.   

Have a look at her posts from that period of time and her DD contract: 

Spoiler alert: it didn't work for Julie and David. 

Do you know what Julie realized? One, she has a spanking kink and with the new contact in place, she wasn't being spanked at all. Because...two...she realized she doesn't mess up and is generally well behaved. *shrug* 

They abandoned the DD contract and just went back to doing "scenes" together.

Well, what? How does a spanko get that spanking fix they so desperately crave, if they are a well behaved submissive? Role play scenes? - Maybe...

Maintenance! Again...back to the previous post. 

Personally, I think a healthy blend of rules and structure with very clear consequences is nice to have as a baseline of a DD dynamic, combined with the understanding that Summer, Sarah Jane and Russell, all need maintenance discipline in their lives. Call it therapy, call it someone pressing your reset button or emptying your cup when it's full, even call it's needed, even for me sometimes to be on the receiving end.  

Adult spankings come in many forms, do what works for your own dynamic, do it safely and do it sanely. 

I'll leave you with a little blast from the past, the true OGs of punishment spankings from back in the day. "Teen" Jessica and "teen" Brandi from the Real Spankings Network. Oh boy, those two girls got their asses beat! It was serious punishment, but fabricated by roleplay for the purposes of their productions. It was truly some of the best content of that period of time. 

Sitting on a bed, head down in shame, waiting to be punishment-spanked as an adult...sound familiar? 

Link to this video: Spanking Teen Brandi

I don't think they follow my severity system of starting at one and building to eight. I think she basically starts at a ten!

You were a trooper Brandi! 

Some quick reference cards provided below. 


Should I even cover role play spankings? Or is that pretty self-explanatory? Let me know in the comments. 

Like, I've been sent home with a note from school, to give to my Daddy? That sorta role play?

Mistress Andrea








sissy alice 796 said…
I would be distraught to hear the words, “You've really disappointed me..." from You Mistress, but equally a scene of coming home from school (work) with a note for You / Daddy saying i have been bad/got a poor test score is super hot!

Oh the conflict in such a situation, do you hide the note knowing it will make it 10 times worse if found, or come clean and accept?

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