Spanked by Lady Jose

Continued from: Set, Session and Scene

[F/m] [sissy] [spanked for real] [chastity] [pro disciplinarian] 

Exciting development everyone!

For those who have been following along for awhile, several little teasers have been dropped along the way, about a sissy gurl from Belgium named, Alice. This is how Alice spent some of her day today, and this will be the first time she has seen these images of herself. 

I would also like you to meet Malcom: 

Alice and Malcom are the same person, and once upon a time he used to be "male". He had girlfriends, he had sex with a woman once and to this day, holds a PhD in something-or-other and maintains a high-profile career. On today's date, however, he was dressed like a little girl and sent to the corner with a red bum, having just been spanked by an amazing woman. 

How did this happen to poor Malcom? 

Tales of sissy Alice is a blog that Malcom started and currently maintains. If you'd like to know why and how his little penis ended up in a chastity cage for the past 200+ days, he explains it all on his blog.

Alice also maintains a very popular Reddit page that can be found here: Sissy in Denial

On her Reddit page, you will find her daily chastity verifications, her weekly maintenance spanking updates and the attire that she sleeps in, that her "Daddy" makes her wear:

From the image above, it looks like she's going to bed with ME by her side! How cute! Am I worried that Alice is only using me for masturbation fuel? Wanking her little pee pee to oblivion, to images of me? Nope!

This has never been a worry of mine. Alice is not physically capable of even getting an erection, due to her chastity system. She uses an app called Chaster and a 99% secure system of locking, verification codes and a combination lockbox that she cannot see the combination for. Once per week, the app allows her a five-minute window of access to her key. She uses this time to unlock for hygiene and shaving before the key goes back into the lockbox with a new combination. 

Five minutes per week across the span of 200 days, is 2 hours and 22 minutes of freedom in that span of time. When she reaches day 365 locked, that would equate to 4 hours and 20 minutes of penis freedom, out of an entire year. A little too long if you ask me, but I'm not her "owner".  

For an added layer of verification and security, she films this entire process and posts it online. 

If she goes over the five-minute mark in her weekly ritual, even by a second or two, the app will add an additional twelve days to her chastity sentence. 

And if THIS wasn't enough, she has an online "Daddy" who controls this Chaster app as the keyholder, guides and mentors her through weekly rituals, and directs what sort of sexual activity she gets to have with her "boyfriends". Her Daddy is also the one who administers her weekly maintenance spankings and monitors her cornertime. 

Twenty minutes before her spanking and twenty minutes after, once per week. If sissy Alice lived for another 50 years, to age 89, she will have spent 72 days of her life, standing in the corner with her bum bare. Eeeek!

In addition to serving her online Daddy, she is permitted to perform the duties of a Secretary for me. She is the editor-in-chief of my blog stories and is responsible for some cross-page marketing of my blog. If any of you happen to find spelling or grammatical errors along the way, please let me know, as Alice will be in deep shit! 

Here she is in WFH mode, creating a tribute montage of me.  

At some point, Malcom tumbled down the rabbit hole and became Alice. Quite literally, through the looking glass, this is what he sees: 

Alice has been obedient, safe and sane, and has been diligent in her service to me as my Secretary. I thought I'd give her a gift, maybe a life-changing experience she would not have otherwise thought of. A chance to finally get her out from behind the computer and experience something more real. 

She has a fucking machine, she self-spanks for her Daddy once per week, she dresses like a little girl and posts online...but it really can't quite compare to the real thing. 

Alice, this was my gift to you, a simple email: 

Dear Lady Jose, hello. 

I’m Andrea, from Canada. 

I have a distance dynamic with a sissy male from Belgium. We are interested in exploring me sending him to a proper female disciplinarian sort of arrangement, that we would like to become regular, maintenance if you will. 

Just not sure if you do sissy type dynamics and such? 

It would be a pleasure to hear from you at your convenience. 


In a few days, unbeknownst to Alice at this point, I received a reply: 

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for your email. It’s wonderful to hear about the dynamic you share together.

I do offer sessions with sissies, but please note that my sessions are conducted on a professional basis meaning they are paid. My rate is €250 per hour, with a deposit of €50 required, which can be paid via PayPal or Throne.

I’ve also attached my registration form for your reference. Should you agree with the pricing, I would need explicit consent from your sissy before proceeding with any spanking.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,


At this point...actually I didn't know this until today...Lady Jose is an A-lister in the spanking community. There are many female disciplinarians out there, but I had no idea she collaborated with the likes of Sarah Gregory!! (huge girl crush on her)

The entire "Tara Gregory" series in my blog is based upon the legendary Sarah Gregory. That series began here: 

Alice, you don't realize how friggen lucky you are! Lady Jose had Sarah Gregory, and now YOU, over her knee! That's insane and I had no idea until I visited Lady Jose's site: 

Finding a "proper" female disciplinarian can often be difficult. Sometimes the ops starts creeping into the admin, and suddenly there are leather bus-driver hats involved and assless chaps, talks of pegging and worship. This is not what someone seeking a real, old-fashioned spanking wants. That's not what I wanted for Alice. 

We were fortunate to not only find Lady Jose, not only realize that she is in close proximity to Alice, but also, that she replied so openly and welcoming to my initial contact. The next step was to have Alice introduce herself. 

Dear Lady Jose,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.  My name is alice, a 40 year old sissy male living in Antwerp.

I have been instructed by Mistress Andrea to contact you directly regarding the possibility of organising a domestic discipline session should you accept my application.

I have prepared the application form as required and have attached it to this email.  I wish to thank you for the time in reading this application and look forward to hearing back.

Yours sincerely 


The suspense built over the coming weeks, until Alice finally had a date booked and I received this: 

Dear Mistress Andrea,

Tomorrow is the day your sissy and I are going to meet and I am looking forward to it. 

Do you have any preferences for implements I can use on your sissy?

Best Jose

And this was today, what a delightful treat from the remarkable Lady Jose!

Dear Mistress Andrea,

Your sissy is in my corner right now. Alice took the spanking so good and Alice looks so pretty!

I'll share one picture with you but there are more to come

Best Jose

My reply: 

A good 20 minutes should do! Hehe.

Very nicely done, even. I like the white ashy splotches. Was she polite and respectful, Lady Jose? 

Alice was in the timeout corner while this email exchange occurred. I even commented on her hour glasses and how cute those were. I asked her later on if she uses those for cornertime which she does. 

One large, one one of them an hour and one of them a half-hour? What a cool idea! She replied to my twenty minute comment with this: 

Okay 20 minutes!
She is so polite and pretty.
Very respectful.
I’m proud!

Awwww! How sweet. This makes me proud too, as the initiator of all of this and the fact that Alice was a direct representation of me. Additionally proud, now realizing that I was speaking to a spanking A-lister! Omg, Sarah Gregory, I can't even! 


What a great experience for Alice and I truly hope she sees this as a gift from me. I've asked her to write about this experience for me and I'll post it here for everyone to read.  

And this will NOT be the last time she sees Lady Jose, I assure you! 

Please enjoy watching her in action, a lovely free spanking clip of Lady Jose in some serious F/m: 

Mistress Andrea



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