Showing posts with label malesup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malesup. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Continued from: Ma'am to Mistress

A Sarah Jane story 

As the gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my sleep, my body pressed against the warmth of Russell's peaceful form. 

My eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of my beloved boy, his masculine frame clad in the frilly pink panties I had insisted he wear to bed the night before. It was the second Sunday since the beginning of our FLR contract (female-led-relationship). 

A slow, satisfied smile spread across my face as I recalled the significance of the day ahead. Maintenance Sunday, our sacred ritual was upon us once again. My gaze drifted down to Russell's groin, where the outline of this chastity device was clearly visible beneath the thin fabric of his panties. Fourteen days had passed since his penis last felt freedom, and his mounting frustration filled me with a sense of profound satisfaction. 

As Russell began to stir awake, I guided his head between my thighs. "Good morning, my pet," I purred, my voice thick with sleepy desire. "I require your tongue this morning." 

Over the past two weeks I have been deliberately using language like this, eloquent and Goddess-like. "Go down on me or, lick my pussy," has its time and place, but "I require an orgasm to start my day," is much better. The word "require" leaves little debate as to my status as his Queen. 

Obediently, he nuzzled against my pussy, the warm breath of his French kiss sending shivers of electricity through my body. 

As the last tremors of my orgasm subsided, I gently stroked his hair, a silent acknowledgement of his devoted service. "Very good, my sweetie," I hissed in satisfaction. "Prepare my coffee please, and remain in those adorable panties only, I'll be down shortly." 

I tiptoed up behind Russell, as he busied himself in the kitchen, preparing my coffee with the utmost care and attention. I cupped the cheeks of his panty-clad bottom to give it a squeeze, before fixing him with a stern yet loving gaze. 

"Young man," I began, strict and authoritative. "I have decided that we shall not delay your maintenance spanking. Last week's drawn-out anticipation, while effective in building tension, proved to be somewhat disruptive to our daily routine."

"Therefore, once you have finished your coffee, you are to head upstairs and shower. After this, put your delightful, pink panties back on and wait for me in the corner of the spanking room, is that understood?" 

Russell's eyes widened slightly at my pronouncement, a flicker of nervous excitement dancing within their depths. "Y-yes, Ma'am," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. 

During his shower, I took a moment to transform myself into the epitome of feminine authority. Slipping into a figure-hugging pencil skirt, I paired it with a crisp white blouse that accentuated my curves. Black seamed stockings and towering stiletto heels completed my ensemble, lending an air of power to my appearance. 

I swept my blonde hair into a severe bun behind my head, not a single strand out of place, and perched my reading glassing upon the bridge of my nose. The reflection staring back at me in the mirror was one of a woman in complete control, which I couldn't help but realize was the paradox of my recent internal conflict and my longing for submission. 

As I entered the spanking room, my heels clicking authoritatively against the hardwood floor, I was greeted by the sight of Russell standing obediently in the corner. One by one, I laid out some implements on the desk, several hairbrushes, a strap, a belt, and with a final satisfied nod, a box of tissues, just in case. 

The final smacks of this Sunday's maintenance landed upon Russell's bare bum. I allowed my hand to linger, cupping his heated flesh possessively. 

Gently, I helped him to his feet, steadying him as he regained his balance. With a tender smile, I guided him back to a corner of the room, positioning him on his knees this time, with his nose to the wall. "There you go, my sweet boy," I cooed. "Bottom red, panties down, just as Mommy likes." 

I sat back down in the spanking chair, the room was deathly quiet, and checked the time on my phone as a secretive smile spread across my face. From downstairs, I heard my front door, followed by approaching footsteps, the unmistakable click of high heels against my staircase. 

I watched as Russell's body tensed, his shoulders rising as he fought the urge to turn and investigate the source of two sets of high heels, power-strutting into my home office. 

In the doorway, stood the striking figures of Mistress Andrea and Summer. Both women were dressed as I was, in corporate power attire, their outfits chosen to emphasize their feminine dominance. 

As they entered the room, their eyes immediately fell upon Russell kneeling in the timeout corner, his bare bottom on display, his panties pooled around his ankles. I could see the initial shock register on their faces, quickly replaced by amusement and appreciation. 

Stepping into her role, the reason she and Summer made this surprise visit today, Mistress extended her hand to shake mine. "Good morning, Sarah, I'm your retained counsel, Miss Andrea," she remarked, with a smirk playing across her face. "This is my personal assistant and associate counsel, Miss Holliday," Mistress spoke firmly as she continued her act. I, of course, played along for Russell's benefit, or detriment, however you wish to look at it from his current state in the corner. 

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," I gestured towards the plush armchairs arranged in the opposing corner of the office. As they settled themselves, their eyes remained fixed upon Russell, drinking in the sight of his humiliation. 

"As you can see, we were just finishing up our weekly maintenance. Isn't he a sight to behold?" I purred, my gaze sweeping appreciatively over his exposed form. My attention turned back to Mistress as she started to get down to business.  

Mistress Andrea reached into her briefcase, extracting a crisp manila folder with a flourish. "As your official counsel, it's our duty to ensure that all aspects of your...unique arrangement are properly documented. This is the addendum you asked us to prepare for you, Miss Sarah, is that correct?" 

I nodded in approval as I perused the one-page document, my eyebrows raised in surprise. The document outlined several new clauses. As I read, I couldn't help but clench my thighs together to quell the ache, as a shiver of anticipation ran down my spine.

Terms of Switching Roles

This was the delicious looking title at the top of the addendum. 

The idea of temporarily reversing our roles, of surrendering control to Russell for a designated period, had my heart pounding out of my chest. It would be the best of both worlds! 

My manicured fingers reached the bottom of a page. where I scanned a section with the title of: 


I looked up at Andrea, slightly confused as I read the sub-heading:

Non-derogation clause 

"Madam Counsellor," I asked softly and submissively, "what's a non-derogation clause?"

Sarah Jane 💟

To be continued...

A non-derogation clause is a contractual provision that ensures that no other rules, permissions or guidelines can diminish or override the main rule, which is no cumming without permission! 


Continued from:  Ma'am to Mistress A Sarah Jane story  As the gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, I stirred fr...