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Showing posts with label keyholder. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Struggle is Real

Continued from: A Minor Annoyance

A Sarah Jane story: 

With Russell standing obediently in the timeout corner by the very visible front door, I made my way to the center of the living room, my hips swaying provocatively with each step. I lowered myself gracefully onto the spanking chair, the smooth fabric of my pinup dress rustling softly as I settled into position. 

Crossing my legs, I savoured the sensation of my nude stockings against my skin, a reminder of my feminine power. "Come here, young man," I purred, crooking a finger in Russell's direction. He approached tentatively, his eyes downcast, until he stood directly beside me. Reaching out, I cupped his locked-up penis, raising an eyebrow in cruel delight. 

With a gentle pat on my lap, I invited him to assume the most classic and vulnerable of positions. "Over my knee, sweetheart," I cooed, my voice dripping with honeyed venom. "It's time for your spanking." As Russell obediently draped himself over my stocking tops, I took a moment to admire the view - his bare bum presented perfectly for my maternal correction. 

Raising my hand, I brought it down firmly on his left cheek, alternating to his right then back again, relishing the satisfying smack that echoed through the room. Again and again, I kept up a steady rhythm upon his upturned bum, alternating cheeks and varying the intensity. 

"Do you know why you're being spanked, young man?" I asked, tracing a fingernail lightly over his heated flesh. Russell's response was muffled by the placement of his head down by my high heels, but I could make out a whimpered, "yes, Ma'am." 

"That's right," I purred, resuming my spanking with renewed vigor. "You left the coffee maker in a state of disarray, forcing me to clean up after you. That simply won't do in our household, will it?" Each word was punctuated by a sharp smack, emphasizing my point. 

"In this relationship, you are to serve me, to anticipate my needs and ensure my comfort and pleasure at all times. Leaving me to clean up after you is unacceptable behaviour, and it will not be tolerated. Do you understand?" 

Russell's affirmative whimper was music to my ears, as I reached for the wooden spoon that lay waiting on the small table beside me. I brought it down in measured strokes, firmly peppering all quadrants of his bum and thighs, each impact leaving a fiery sting to his sensitive bum. 

As the spanking drew to a close, I could see the odd distinct marks of the wooden spoon. This wasn't a severe punishment, but enough to leave him both physically and psychologically fearful of my handy kitchen implement.

"There, there, my sweetie," I nurtured, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "All done now. You will be forgiven very shortly." Guiding him back to the corner, I positioned him once more with his nose to the walls and his hands behind his head. The sight of my former dominant and "Daddy", his well-punished bottom on full display, sent a thrill of satisfaction coursing through me. 

"Twenty minutes," I declared, setting the timer on my phone. "You'll stand there and reflect on your behaviour, young man." With that, I settled myself comfortably on the couch, picking up the book I had been reading earlier. 

But then, a wicked smile of cruel mischief crossed my lips. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Mistress Andrea's number, intent on amplifying poor Russell's humiliation and solidifying my role in this FLR.

I heard Russell gasp from the corner the moment he realized I was on the phone. 

"Hello, Mistress, it's Sarah Jane," I purred into the microphone. "You'll never guess what I'm looking at right now." I paused, allowing her to respond, before continuing. I glanced over at Russell, noting how his shoulders tensed at my words, his embarrassment palpable, even from across the room.  

"Yes, Ma'am, straight-backed chair, OTK. No, he's got about eighteen minutes left..." our conversation continued, while poor Russell was only able to hear one side of it. 

"Of course I'll send you a picture, Ma'am, hang on." 

"It was a wooden spoon, Ma'am, good eye." 


Continued by Mistress Andrea:

When my phone rang I was just working on a post for the blog where I was poking fun at my struggles with the A.I. image generator. I was delighted to see Sarah Jane's name pop up on the phone and was even more delighted and a little shocked when she told me that she and Russell had officially switched roles. 

I guess he was in the timeout corner, listening to all of this, which would have been mortifying! But a great tactic, well done, Sarah! She told me all about the contract, how she was dressed and what caused tonight's spanking. I couldn't help but beam with pride. We taught her well. Her countless hours spent in degrading submission at times, had given her all the tools and knowledge she would need to fulfill this new role and it sounded like she was off to a great start. 

I think we ended the conversation with me asking her if she'll be "thanked properly", after Russell's timeout was over. 

"Oh, you better believe it, Mistress. Talk soon," and she made a cute little smooch noise into the phone.

Now, back to what I was doing. The struggle is real people! Getting an A.I. image generator to cooperate can be frustratingly addicting at times. I won't show you anything involving three arms, or heads growing out of torsos, that's just nightmare fuel, but I thought I'd share some funny struggles I've had recently. 

With Kindroid, which has been a fantastic platform when it cooperates, you ask it for a "selfie". You put a description in, limited to like five or six-hundred characters, then you can upload an image of a pose and it will replicate the pose with the details of my description. 

"Summer is standing at a bar in an airport. She's in her tailored flight attendant uniform with nylons and high heels. She has a decorative scarf around her neck with gold wings and a brass nameplate on her lapel." 

Wait for it...

*Sigh...ok, Kindroid. We all know Summer is an absolute angel and flight attendants are angels, but seriously? Lol 

Let's try someone else, shall we? Nurse Mandy, remember her? A fan on Reddit said "her arse has won the internet," (lol, okay) and that they want to frame a picture of her bum and hang it in their home. So I guess we'll have to have her back to the Facility. Remember Mandy? 

You're all aware that a common theme at my Facility, is to take those soccer moms, corporate executives and high-powered, alpha-women and dress them up like little girls before I spank them. This is merely done to draw out their vulnerability and provide a layer of humiliation, which serves to amplify the whole, being spanked as an adult, experience.

I found a darling little outfit for Mandy, that I thought would be shamefully embarrassing, allowing her to escape into her role and it represented and stark contrast to her vanilla-world persona.

Then came the prompt: 

"Mandy is laying flat on her stomach on a bed. She's in a tiny little skirt with strawberry patterns, matching white panties and white stockings. Her hair is in pigtails." 

Those berries are going to leave a stain on that white bedding! The sissy maids will have a difficult time getting that out!

One more attempt...Summer and I. 

I took some inspiration from Sarah Jane, and felt it was high-time to get motherly with my angel of a wife, and have her fetch the wooden spoon for a trip over my knee. 

She's an angel alright, until I saw her credit card statement for this month and summoned her to the parlour for a little "chat".

This one kinda worked. I didn't ask for a blue dress though...

Then the next prompt: "Mistress is seated, Summer is kneeling beside her about to be spanked. On the wall behind Mistress, are an array of spanking implements hanging from a display rack." 

Look at my avatar's face! Lol. Even she looks irritated with the rack of "spanking implements". 

Summer, it looks like you're off the hook, babe. Instead of tanning your little butt this morning, it looks like I'll be whisking you an omelet instead.

It's a struggle people. This is a labour of love. 

Mistress Andrea xo 

Continued by Sarah Jane, in: The Three D's of a FLR


Monday, September 9, 2024

Now you may call me, Ma'am

Continued from: Sign Here, Initial There

A Sarah Jane story 

As I continued to sit, perched atop Russell's face, his moans of being teased and tormented, spurring me on, I frantically typed away at our FLR contract. 

My entire journey as a submissive, every experience with Russell and every session and scene at Mistress Andrea's Facility, had culminated into this very moment, as I stitched together an intricate contact of my terms. 


During the entirety of his contract, the submissive shall remain in a state of enforced chastity, achieved through the use of a secure locking device affixed to his penis. 

This device shall prevent any form of erection, masturbation, or sexual release without the express permission and involvement of the Mistress. 

The Mistress shall retain sole possession of both keys to the chastity device, and shall only remove said device for supervised cleanings or for her own pleasure and amusement. 

The submissive shall surrender all rights to sexual gratification via his penis, understanding that his orgasms are now the property of the Mistress, to be dispensed or withheld at her discretion. 

Any attempt to circumvent or tamper with the chastity device shall result in severe punishment, as determined by the Mistress   

The submissive accepts that his sexual frustration is a necessary and desired component of his submission, and shall strive to channel this energy into more productive avenues of service to the Mistress. 




Once Russell has agreed to all the terms, signed and initialed immediately after my initials and signature, he will be getting introduced to the Black Mamba, resin crafted, internally locking, chastity cage. It looks like this one: 

Domestic Discipline 

To maintain order and reinforce the hierarchy within our relationship, the Mistress reserves the right to administer corporal punishment in response to any transgressions committed by the submissive. 

Minor infractions, including but not limited to violations of established rules, breaches of etiquette, failure to manage household expenses properly, or general misbehaviour, shall be addressed through the application of a firm spanking applied to the submissive's bare buttocks.

The severity and duration of these spankings shall be determined solely by the Mistress, based on the nature of the offense and her assessment of the submissive's contrition. 

The submissive is expected to accept these punishments with grace and humility, recognizing them as opportunities for growth and correction. 

Failure to comply with or excessive resistance to these disciplinary measures may result in escalated consequences, at the Mistress' discretion.




Maintenance Spankings

To ensure the submissive's continued obedience and to reinforce the dynamic of our relationship, regular maintenance spankings shall be administered every Sunday, without exception. 

These sessions serve multiple purposes: firstly, they provide a consistent reminder of the submissive's place within our dynamic, reinforcing his role as the one who receives discipline and guideance. 

Secondly, they offer an opportunity for the Mistress to assess the physical and emotional state, allowing for any necessary adjustments to be made to his training regimen. 

Lastly, these maintenance spankings serve as a form of stress relief for both parties, providing a controlled outlet for any pent-up tensions or frustrations that may have accumulated throughout the week. 

The submissive is expected to present himself promptly, dressed as the Mistress has outlined and prepared to receive whatever level of discipline the Mistress deems appropriate. 

Failure to attend or participate fully in these maintenance spankings shall be considered a serious breach of contract and may result in additional, more severe consequences. 




Bedtime Spankings

In addition to our weekly maintenance spankings, the Mistress shall also administer bedtime spankings as needed, assuming a more nurturing role during these intimate moments. 

Unlike a maintenance or punishment spankings, these spankings are designed to soothe and relax the submissive, preparing him for a restful night's sleep. 

The submissive shall present himself to the Mistress, ready for bed and dressed in dedicated sleepwear selected by the Mistress. 

When prompted, the submissive will bare his bottom and position himself over the lap of the Mistress.

These bedtime spankings may last anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on how long it takes for the submissive to fully embrace his vulnerability. These bedtime rituals serve to strengthen the bond between us, reminding the submissive that even in his most vulnerable moments, he is cherished and protected.   




Other categories followed. We did take a small break at one point, or at least I did, and removed my bum from his face. 

The contract spoke of special greetings, morning and evening rituals, specialty clothing and outfits, general rules about reporting, location tracking and check-ins. There was even a section about how he will present himself and behave at Mistress Andrea's Facility, should we end up there. 

Russell was eventually released from my makeshift queening stool. He was permitted to sit and read through all of the sections, initialing his consent at the end of each one. 

Upon the final page, his hand trembled slightly as he applied his full signature to seal his own fate. My signature followed, immediately below. I set the contract aside and retrieved his chastity cage from a delicate, satin pouch. I fit the cage around his flaccid cock, securing the lock with the only set of keys. 

"There," I cooed. 

"Now you may call me, Ma'am." 

Sarah Jane 💟

Continued in: A Minor Annoyance

Tucked In by "Mommy"

Continued from:  A Special Bedtime for Russell A Sarah Jane story  "Now, be a good girl and bring the plug and lubricant to Mommy,"...