Set, Session and Scene
Continued from: It's all in the Eyes
[F/f] [spanking] [humiliation] [cornertime] [anal]
But am I actually going to punish her when she cums? No. This is an unwinnable scenario and I'm not that cruel, plus, it will frustrate the submissive.
We're going to do all kinds of other stuff today but I'm starting with admin, vulnerability and humiliation to kick-off the session and this maternal-style spanking becomes our first scene.
Mandy began scene three like this, serving me drinks and sucking on my toes as I savoured my drink and her lovely mouth.
I am going to resume my TED talk series on a few more aspects of the lifestyle that I feel are important to cover, then we are going to turn things over to Sarah Jane, who wanted to re-tell the story of her very first playdate with Mandy, orchestrated by yours truly.
Unwinnable Circumstances
Cassandra was the queen of the head games, making silly male submissives choose between the lesser of two evils, or what they thought was the lesser of two evils. This form of psychological torture pitted her male clients into predicaments within themselves. Be fucked in the ass by Cassandra, or have another 90 days added to your chastity sentence, your choice. Sixty-nine with another male slave, or feel the bite of her single-tail whip. Then she would make them actually choose the path of their own torment, before carrying it out.
Everyone always has a third choice too, being their safeword, but those are rarely used.
What Cassandra won't do, however, what I won't do either, is to present an unwinnable scenario to a submissive, with consequences for failure. Take this example for instance:
I'm going to tie up this lovely submissive, I'm going to rope-anchor the Hitachi against her pussy and then I'm going to turn it on, full blast.
If you're getting punished! Then leave her to the disparity of the inevitable.
I have electro-pads on Summer's nipples, there is a vibrating anal plug up her ass and the wand is locked onto her pussy with one of those trusty, lockable, vibrator belts. I might tell her she's not allowed to cum, even threaten her about what I will do if she does...
A slow and steady handjob without stopping, while a bound slave just lays there and takes it. I've told him he's not allowed to cum under any circumstance, but I still keep my pace on his cock.
I'd totally just edge then lock him back up if this was a real scenario. If you possess the skills to do a ruined orgasm, I would suggest that as an option too.
But let's say that wasn't the goal and I just wanted some head games at play, violently jerking him off while telling him how horrible his life is going to be if he should dare cum in my presence. He's going to fail, it is inevitable. I'll make him consume his mess, to shame and humiliate him, but I'm not going to punish him for cumming, this was an unwinnable scenario.
Set, Session and Scene
These three terms speak to the planning phases of a playdate, based on what the submissive wants and how I intend to deliver their fantasies.
A session, is the entirety of my interaction with the submissive. A session could last for several hours or even several days, where breaks can be taken into the vanilla world and into vanilla activities, but everyone remains in role, everyone abides by rules and structure, along with official titles.
A scene, is a specific activity performed within the session. I spoke of admin and ops in a previous post, being two different things but interconnected overall. This would be an example of two scenes within one session, complimenting one another, doing admin before I do ops.
Let's say for instance that I'm having a session with Mandy. I have told her that I'd like her age regressed when she arrives to my house and that she will be seeing "Mommy" today, for a spanking.
We're going to do all kinds of other stuff today but I'm starting with admin, vulnerability and humiliation to kick-off the session and this maternal-style spanking becomes our first scene.
As for sets, this would be the breakdown of my first scene, it's very easy to organize.
Set 1: Mandy will do 20 minutes in the corner of the living room with her bum bare
Set 2: Called from the corner for OTK hand-spanking
Set 3: Have her fetch "Daddy's" belt from bedroom, give a strapping over the arm of the couch
Set 4: Wheelbarrow pose for the leather paddle
And so on, and so on, set after set, you get the idea.
Set 9 (for instance): Finish her in the corner for another 20 minutes, bum bare.
I said before that admin should be real and predominately non-sexual in nature, and in this example, it absolutely was. However, Mandy needs to thank me, "properly", for her spanking, and this is now where ops begins to creep into the admin. Her humiliating attire hasn't changed, my maternal attire hasn't changed, yet I planned ahead to ensure I was in lovely, vintage lingerie, under my pinup dress. As for her, I want her to be engaged in sex acts while still in her age regression clothing. There's a taboo about it, there is a humiliating vulnerability about it, and I want her to experience and tap into this.
We're still in the same scene, about to begin Set 10, our surroundings, our attire, has not changed and this is why it is the same scene and not a new one. She's still calling me "Mommy", as I summon her from the corner and have her crawl towards me on her hands and knees. She will be made to worship my high heels, my feet, my bottom hole and eventually go down on me to completion. This is the manner in which I want to be thanked for taking the time to spank her.
Now the scene has ended! I've just orgasmed onto her mouth and lips and she will verbally thank me for that gift, gazing down at the floor with her little pigtails cascading down her flushed cheeks.
We might have a soak in the Turkish bathhouse that I installed in The Facility, we might go to the kitchen together and get some fruit. The session is still running, but the first scene has ended and she has no idea how many more I may have planned.
When I'm ready to begin the next scene, I tell her what to do and where to go. In this circumstance, this is what I wanted:
I had Mandy stripped bare and vulnerable, still sporting the effects of scene one, when I brought her to the shower where I had an enema bag prepared and hung. I lubricated her, I probed her ass with a gloved finger, then inserted the enema nozzle into her bottom hole.
Scene number two of the session has just begun.
I began the flow of warm saltwater water into Mandy, rubbing her pussy and breasts, tweaking her nipples and offering her supporting words as she took the full two-quarts, her sense of urgency worsening by the second. I left her alone to do the next phases of clean-out by herself, while I went off to change into my scene two attire and prepare an outfit and the setting for the next phase.
Based on my attire alone, you can tell that we are well into the ops side of the house now. Mandy doesn't know exactly what's coming but she can probably surmise that by wanting her fully cleaned out back there, she's going to be in for some heavy anal play.
I went with a virginal white for her, to act as a stark contrast to the non-virginal acts we were about to engage in.
And yes, I fucked Mandy in the ass while she got herself off with her fingers.
She was treated to two orgasms with my girl-cock in her bum, then I rode her face for awhile as she diligently returned the favour.
End of scene two, change of outfit.
A lot of the time, this is an easy way to think about the structure. Each scene gets its own unique outfit throughout the entirety of the session.
I began scene three in loungewear and heels, because that's exactly what I wanted to do to end-off the session.
Mandy began scene three like this, serving me drinks and sucking on my toes as I savoured my drink and her lovely mouth.
I even treated her to a little end-of-session, celebratory drink, but with a twist:
Booze tastes better when suckled from the toes of a Dominatrix. It's a fact! ; )
I'll leave you with a final scenario to contemplate and I'll continue this learning series later on, as there has been an exciting development today that I want to write about.
Here's the final two riddles: If you're a male submissive who has his penis in a chastity cage, and you do not have control over the keys to unlock that cage...does that mean you're like always in a session?
If you're living a domestic discipline, female-led-relationship and that video radar, speeding ticket just arrived in the mail...and you have to give it to your wife to pay, because she controls all finances in the home...and you know you won't be sitting comfortably for the foreseeable future once you show her the ticket...
Does that mean you're just constantly within a session? Underscored by scenes, like the one described above?
Set, Session, Scene...Lifestyle is the fourth one, the missing link.
We'll discuss lifestyle next time.
Mistress Andrea
Continued in: Spanked by Lady Jose