Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Crown

Continued from: Aggravated Anilingus

I've just donned my judge's robes and white wig. The spanking court will soon be in session.

In Canada and I would assume around the British Commonwealth, when you're charged with a Federal crime, the governing authority of that particular law is the reigning monarch of the day. It appears as the letter 'R'. (R vs. Jane Doe, for instance)

In the U.S. I think it's the State. (The State of Minnesota vs. Jane Doe). 

Until the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, 'R' stood for Regina, the Latin word for Queen. Luckily we don't have to change all the law books and documents to something else, as Rex is the Latin word for King.

Essentially, King Charles could commit a murder in Canada and I'm not really sure what would happen, because you can't charge yourself with a crime. R vs. Rex...? Hmm. We'll need a lawyer's opinion on that one...

As for my unique court of adult discipline and correction, it's ME...versus the accused individual(s).

Today it happened to be co-accused miscreants, Carley and Cassandra. Both of whom have plead not guilty to the charges of lewdness, and aggravated anilingus. Not guilty!!? After I stood there and watched their little show on my own bedspread. I wonder what their defense is going to be on this one? 

I'll let Carley tell you all how this played out, she writes very eloquently. 


As I emerged from the darkness of my quarters, a sense of dread dogged my every step. Cassandra's nervous energy oozed from beneath her sharp business attire, as she stood beside me. We presented ourselves, as ordered, to the cell block area, under strict instructions to wear business formal, with hosiery and heels. 

I am sure this was designed to amplify the indignity of then, being stripped naked before the guard and exposed to the unforgiving glare of fluorescent lights.

As Cassandra and I stood before the emotionless guard, our hearts racing in tandem, the air grew thick with tension. Then came the ultimate humiliation - the bending, the spreading, the invasion of our most intimate recesses. I felt my face burn with shame as I watched Cassie comply, her hands reaching backward to part her buttocks, exposing her anus and vagina for inspection.

My pussy was pulsing with a mixture of fear and dark excitement, when the guard told me to stand and bend over. A gloved hand probed my bare asshole, then my vagina, exploring every crevice and contour with methodical thoroughness, searching for concealed contraband. 

It was an ordeal designed to break our spirits, to reduce us to mere vessels devoid of pride or autonomy. And yet, even as I submitted to this mortifying ritual, a spark within me trembled, acknowledging the strange allure of such objectification. 

As the heavy doors clanged shut behind us, I stood numb, surrounded by the drab, institutional walls that now confined me. The bright orange outfit seemed to glow with an otherworldly intensity, a beacon of shame that proclaimed my fallen status. Maybe we shouldn't have fucked on Mistress' bed after all? My inner dialog repeated back to me.  

As I sat in my cramped, dimly lit cell, the bright orange jumpsuit a stark reminder of my predicament, I called out to Cassandra, my voice barely above a whisper. "Cassandra, are you okay?" The reply came hesitantly, her words hitching along the way.

"Y-yes, Carley...I-I think so."

I swallowed hard, trying to process the unfolding nightmare. "Do you think they'll spank us in front of everyone? Will we be punished right in the court?"

Cassandra's voice echoed from within her cell. "All those people watching...judging." 

I bit my lip, my mind racing with visions of whipping posts and wooden stockades. "I've heard rumours of the Judge's Canadian prison strap," I confided, my stomach twisting with a mix of fear and morbid fascination. "They say it leaves welts that last for days."

Cassandra's gasp was audible, followed by an anguished moan. "What if they use it on us? What if we're forced onto those spanking benches and presented for everyone to see?"

My skin crawled at the thought, but something inside me quickened its pace, like a dark heartbeat awakening. 

"Imagine being forced to submit like this. Cassandra," I breathed, my words barely audible. "Imagine being bent over, helpless, with strangers feasting their eyes on our reddened bottoms..." There was a pause, during which I wondered if I'd gone too far, but Cassandra's tentative query surprised me.   

"D-do you think, Carley...do you think it might feel sort of...good? I smiled grimly from my cell, my pulse thumping in recognition of this twisted concept. 

"Only one way to find out out, Cassie...we plead not guilty, and potentially face the maximum sentence."

"Ohhhh fuck!" I heard Cassandra gasp out. "I felt that one right in my pussy," she moaned...

To be continued...

Mistress Andrea 


Continued in: Ethically Sourced



Monday, June 10, 2024

Aggravated Anilingus

Continued from: Ethical Dilemma

"That was the evening that Cassandra and I succumbed to our baser desires, our passions igniting like wildfire as we found ourselves entwined on Mistress Andrea's plush bed. The dim lighting, the soft music and the booze, it all seemed to be conspiring against us, tempting us further down the path of debauchery." 

"I felt Cassandra's tantalizing tongue, dancing across my skin, her gentle caresses leaving trails of fire in their wake. Her lips claimed mine, our tongues intertwining as we devoured each other's hunger."

"It wasn't long before we surrendered fully to our cravings. And that's when...that's when it happened..."

*Trails off*

"Stop stalling Miss Chapman, and show us on the doll where she touched you, where she put her tongue." 

Let me rewind a little...hehe...

Our first trial in the new courtroom space! It was great fun, especially when my bailiff, Summer brought these two in. I should have known! Carley and Cassandra...my tattooed angels who are not so angelic right now. 

*snickers and murmurs from the body of the court*


Cassandra Leigh Goth... 

Carley Chloe Chapman...

The court is ready to accept your pleas. You both stand accused of one count of lewdness, and one count of participating in aggravated anilingus.   

Miss Goth, on or about the 4th day of June, 2024, did, for a sexual purpose, place her tongue into the bare anus of the co-accused, Miss Chapman.

Miss Chapman, you stand accused as a party to the offence, that on or about the 4th day of June, 2024, did allow, for a sexual purpose, the tongue of Miss Goth to enter your bare anus.

How do you plead? 

Let the court register, both accused parties have entered a plea of NOT guilty. 


<Two days earlier>

As I slipped silently into my chambers, a subtle thrill coursed through my veins, sensing the air heavy with anticipation and a nose of feminine arousal. Cassandra and my newest protégé, Carley, lay tangled on my bed, their bodies swathed in candlelight, their urgent whispers and gasps mingling with the shadows. 

I halted just beyond the doorway, drinking in the sight of them lost in passion, oblivious to my presence. The room looked like a crime scene, with various dildos and dongs strewn about, whips, discarded high heels and booze bottles.

Cassandra's deft hands mapped Carley's curves, her fingers weaving into her wet folds, before slapping her pussy sharply. Her lips met Carley's most intimate area, a kiss so fervent it seemed to suck the oxygen from the room. 

Carley's porcelain skin glowed in the flickering light, her raven tresses splayed across my pillows like a dark halo. Her body arched upward, accepting Cassie's exploratory tongue with reckless abandoned, and I found myself ensnared by their forbidden intimacy. 

As I stood transfixed, Cassandra's boldness reached new heights, her tongue delving deep into Carley's secret places, her fingers grasping Carley's hips to hold her steady. A low guttural moan escaped Carley's lips as Cassandra began to languidly tongue-fuck her bare asshole, the sight of which stirred my insides. Carley's body trembled beneath Cassandra's ministrations, her back arching deeper in silent invitation. 

For one fleeting instant, I debated whether to interrupt their clandestine affair or permit them to reach the pinnacle of their pleasure. But as the head Mistress of this esteemed Facility, duty compelled me to intervene - after all, rules existed for a reason. No fucking in my bed unless I'm directly involved! 

When they began to co-ride a double-ended dildo, right on my duvet in a scissor pose, I could no longer remain a silent observer. I was tasked with maintaining order in this sanctuary of perversion. 

As I stepped forward, my stiletto heels clicking on the hardwood, Carley and Cassandra's gazes snapped toward me, their faces etched with guilt and trepidation. The air was heavy with the scent of spent passion, the sheets crumpled and bearing evidence of multiple orgasms. With calculated composure, I surveyed the room disapprovingly, raising an eyebrow to underscore the tableau of shame before me. 

The two little vixens cowered beneath the blankets and held one another, a pitiful attempt to salvage what remained of their dignity and conceal their nudity from my strict gaze.

I cleared my throat, my tone measured and detached. 

"You both will stand trial before the Spanking Court, charged with aggravated anilingus." The phrase hung in the air, its gravity settling upon them like a mantle of shame. 

The atmosphere thickened, heavy with the promise of retribution, and I reveled in the intoxicating aroma of submission, now wafting from these two devious pixies. 

With a deliberate slowness, I turned to leave before pausing at the threshold. "Tomorrow morning, I expect you both to report to the jailer. You will present yourselves voluntarily for arrest and processing. Failure to comply will result in...severe repercussions."

Mistress Andrea 


Continued in: The Crown


Friday, June 7, 2024

Ethical Dilemma

Continued from: Sacrifice

Good news everyone! Summer and I were never in a war. France did not invade Canada, in this century anyway. And Summer and I did not kill ourselves out of pure love, in the Canadian wilderness... 

Dear readers, 

If you hadn't noticed, a number of my posts were pulled down, including my epic adventure story that had little to do with BDSM and spanking. 

I pulled these posts down myself...all the Tara Gregory and her step-daddy stories (which were great) and a few others that involved A.I. images. 

Let me tell you why...as this was an ethical dilemma.

Since I started my facility and various fetish studios, men and women alike seek out my services for a variety of fantasy purposes. Usually they want to be humiliated, degraded, objectified and debased, especially the women, and in some cases, completely dehumanized. 

BUT! This is all done on their consent, in a safe environment where they can explore their darkest fantasies, with the option of a safeword to stop everything. And we should never judge them for what they are into and there should be no shame in it, fair? 


This is adult film star, Cherry Torn: 

She's quite popular in the kink sites, she's had a variety of hairstyles over the years and I've always liked her, especially the noises she makes when under pain and orgasmic duress.  

This video in particular was delightful!

Here, Cherry finds herself in some dirty factory, all trussed up and being fucked directly in the ass by her Domme's strap-on. It looks like a punishment fucking for a naughty slave girl. I think her Domme's name is "Chanta" - she's awesome too.

During Cherry's sodomy, she's drooling from a very dehumanizing ball gag and making her lovely grunting sounds, as her anus struggles to accommodate the thrusting invader. 

(I love this gag btw, Sarah Jane, listen up! You’re getting one of these and you’ll be getting exactly this treatment!) 

Cherry is an adult film star, she may even have an agent or a team. She would have consented to this film and photo shoot, she probably even knew what it entailed and was likely paid handsomely for her performance. There would have been paperwork and contracts. I'm sure the rights to the original video and images belong to the film studio, to do with as they please. Cherry would have consented to this also...

What Cherry did not consent to, was someone on the internet farming her images from scenes like the above, then creating their own A.I. images of her in French Maid outfits, schoolgirl outfits or other compromising material. I think this recently happened with the likes of Taylor Swift and some other celebrities, so real in fact, that their friends and P.R. people were like: 

"Were you actually in a gangbang in Nashville last weekend, Taylor?"  

Additionally, this is now happening to more vulnerable teens and school-aged students as a new form of bullying and blackmail. 

One could argue a caveat emptor...let the buyer beware. Ye who uploadeth their own likeness to the internet, taketh on the associated risks in doing so. "You're already all over the internet, naked and being fucked because you're a porn star, what's the harm in a few more generated images?" 

I once agreed with this...completely. Especially with that "look at me" culture that started with Facebook and people were photographing themselves with their breakfast choice each morning and posting it online. It was irritating and unnecessary and that was definitely a too bad, so sad situation...you put yourself out there. 

But, all of this was before A.I. image engines became so real that Taylor's vagina was probably sore, upon seeing her own likeness riding some randomly generated dick.  

Mark my words, laws will be coming soon. To protect the innocent and more vulnerable from this. Or to protect the continued objectification of women, a word I used at the beginning of this post in a positive context. Again, the key here is consent.

So...much to my dismay and that of my readers, I had to say goodbye to the avatar of Summer, of Tara Gregory, of Tyler Scott and a few others. My avatar is safe, it was made with a combination of my own likeness and a rich description of myself, to arrive with such images as: 

As for the rest of the girls, they all got a little makeover, come have a look...

The beautiful and elegant, Isabella (Bella) Octavia Goth, my Latin stunner and devout sex slave. 

Her avatar was created safely and ethically from this image: 

To get this result: 

I understand they look a little more "cartoonish" than my image, but at least I'm not exploiting some random woman. 

I can still work with these. 

My beautiful wife Summer, the flight attendant. Summer Addison Holiday. Her new likeness was ethically created from this image: 

And the drumroll results: 

Would you like to know how Summer keeps her bare feet as smooth as silk, to accommodate her foot fetish sales and hosiery selling racket? Play beach volleyball two nights a week and run barefoot in the sand... 

We can work with this new avatar, everyone, can't we; for future blog posts? 

Some dungeon action maybe, with Summer in a bondage cell? 

Or perhaps you like her in her default role that she personifies around the house, severely age regressed and frequently spanked over my knee?

Last but certainly not least (for now), Cassie. Cassandra Leigh Goth, who is the 21-year-old daughter of Bella Goth. Recently she's earned the title of Mistress Cassie at my Facility. Her avatar was ethically sourced from this image: 

The A.I. took the above and generated the below: 

She looks like her mother doesn't she, just way more bitchy!? Ha.

She's gonna end up in the courthouse / judicial wing of my Facility if she doesn't tidy up her attitude though!

What do you think everyone, can we live with this? I'll continue my blog and my writing using the new A.I. girls above, the A.I. me and the Sims 4 animations and stills. 

Some sissy fans on Redditt have sent me A.I. images of themselves and their consent to use them in this blog too. Carley, the Tattooed pixie from the previous story, her creator advises she's synthetic, and not an actual person's likeness...so she's good to go. 

I might re-do the France invading Canada three-part story because I loved it so much. I already have the new version of soldier Summer, ready to go. ;)

Thank you all for your continued support, loyalty and understanding through this adjustment. Remember, this is all about protecting women and doing the right thing, in the face of technological advancements. 

Mistress Andrea xo

P.S. Read Mo Gawdat - Scary Smart. Yes I've plugged this book before...it's worth it, trust me.   

Continued in: Aggravated Anilingus



Friday, May 17, 2024


Please enjoy the conclusion of this fictional story, in fair Quebec, where we lay our scene. 

Told by Jeanie "Andrea" Valjean 

Continued from: 24601


I was never afraid of combat, not now, not two decades ago when I was directly engaged in the war. I'm not afraid to die, not even by Summer's hand. But right now, all I was dying from was a broken heart, the pain of which, was more than I could bear.

As I boarded the helicopter I took one last look at my home, where Summer and I shared countless nights of laughter, passion, tears and love. Now, with the veil of her deception revealed, I knew her as Nicolette Javert, the Hunter. Why did she have to go by such a name? By only her name did it make her my enemy.

What's in a name? 

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...


If Nicolette knew where my old unit was, then I didn't have much time. It was clear our forces were destined to face each other. I was helio-dropped into northern Quebec, with orders to link up with what was left of my old insurgency team. Backed by an entire infantry division, I was to lead an offensive into the heart of Quebec City, and re-take the town from the clutches of French occupation. 

Once on-ground, a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as an old friend appeared from an army tent. It was Doc Edwards, Captain now. My combat medic from the old war and a trusted companion. I threw my arms around him like a little girl embracing the comfort of her Daddy's protection. 

Jeanie: "DOC!!" I excitedly shrieked. "Still alive you old bastard?!" 

Doc: "Ohhh hey, kiddo!" He chuckled as he accepted my warm embrace.

Jeanie: "What's the situation?" 

Doc: "Not good. The Hunter is close and we have taken so many casualties. We could hear her drones all through the night and her attacks have been relentless. This woman was born to end lives!" 

My eyes narrowed into daggers as he spoke of Summer in such primal terms. If only they knew her as I did...

We settled into the tent with our intelligence division who were buzzing like bees, combing through maps and infrared images of enemy positions. I looked at Doc with a mix of concern and despair in my face. 

He pulled me aside and rested his hand on my shoulder. 

Doc: "What's wrong, kiddo? 

Jeanie: "I...I'm not sure I can do this again, Doc. That was the old me...and it's been so long." 

Doc: "Nonsense! You need to lead these people, as you did before. They were all scared shitless until you showed up. They need you, Valjean!"

His words were inspiring, trigging a moment of introspection in the quiet stillness of the snow-covered trees. Whether I was here or not, these young men and woman of Canada and France will never stop shedding each other's blood. This ancient grudge, has left our civil hands unclean. 

I knew what I had to do. I just didn't know if I had the strength to do it. Doc snapped me from my inner monologue.  

Doc: "Jean...I found some of your old things. They're in your tent."

In the privacy of my tent, the realization of what I had to do finally hit me. I swallowed back my tears as I ran my hands over the wool tunic of my old uniform. It dripped with medals of valour, bravery and ribbons to sensationalize the ferocious combat I once experienced. Yet, there was nothing sensational about any of this. 

With a full heart and a steely look of confidence in my face, I straightened my beret and flung the tent flap aside, the snow crunched under my feet.

I could see the renewed patriotism in Doc's face, as he got down on one knee in front of me. Then, like dominos, row after row of hundreds of my fellow Canadian rebels, knelt and lowered their heads. 

Doc: "It's good to have you back...General."

Jeanie: "Thank you, Captain."

I motioned for Doc to stand, then immediately started to issue battle orders. As the troops were beginning to scramble into position, a whistle blast screeched out, halting our actions. A sniper's scope had spotted a silhouette, cautiously creeping through the tree line. It was a French soldier holding a white flag. 

Sniper: "General, I have a 100% solution, Ma'am." 

Jeanie: "No, hold your fire."

Doc approached the enemy who was holding the white flag. The French kid couldn't have been any older than eighteen. They conversed briefly, before they both separated and walked in opposite directions from one another. I could see concern etched onto Doc's face as he approached. 

Jeanie: "What's wrong?" 

Doc: "She wants to face you alone. She has given you her word it will only be the two of you."

As Doc spoke, he held out his hand and my eyes caught the glint of a shimmering gold, fleur de lis. I bit my tongue to hold back the tears. It was Summer's necklace! The one I bought for her in New Orleans when we fell in love. 

Angerly, I snatched it from his hand and thrust it into my pocket. 

Jeanie: "When?!" I shouted at him in pure rage. 

Doc: "Sunset..."

I spent the next few hours alone, in my tent, as the fire inside me continue to burn. When the sun began to dip low on the horizon, Doc entered and sat beside me like a father consoling his little girl. 

Jeanie: "Back in the war it was survival, right, Doc? We didn't think we just fought, for our homeland." 

Jeanie: "But I've had plenty of time to think about this..."

Doc nodded solemnly, almost anticipating what was coming next. 

Jeanie: "I can't beat her, can I?" 

Doc: "No, kiddo."


The snow creaked underfoot, as I approached my stunning wife who was waiting in the empty woods. I dropped my rifle to the ground when I saw she was armed with only a knife. This was going to be a fair fight.  

Jeanie: "Summer? Or is it Lieutenant Javert...?" I hissed, with distain dripping from my voice. 

Nicolette: "It's actually Colonel now, Valjean."

Jeanie: "How many of my countrymen did you kill to earn that title?” 

I tossed my jacket to the ground and removed my vest, while drawing a large blade from it's sheath and advanced on Summer.  

Nicolette's eyes glossed over with tears and she looked at me like she used to when she would call me "Mommy", and snuggle into my arms.

Nicolette: "Andrea," she whispered out through a crackling voice. "What happened to us?" 

I paused my advance and in that moment, I could see Summer...not the soldier who stood before me. 

The woman I fell in love with, over and over again. 

Nicolette: "They're never going to stop, are they, Valjean?" 

Jeanie: "I don't think so...not unless..."

Jeanie: "Unless..."

Nicolette: "I know what we have to do, Andrea. I know how we can stop all of this." 

Summer cast her knife onto the cold ground, I did the same. She approached and we wrapped ourselves in each other's arms. Her lips brushed against mine as we shared a final kiss. 

Nicolette: "Did you ever stop loving me, Andrea?" 

Jeanie: "Never, sweetheart." 

I could feel her breathing accelerate as her chest began to rise and fall rapidly against mine. Amidst the silence and the sounds of our beating hearts, came the unmistakable sound of Summer's pistol being drawn from her holster. I tore at the Velcro of my holster, as I drew my own. 

We held hands and turned to face the beautiful horizon over the Quebec landscape. The sun treated us to a warm burst of colour, as it began to set below the foothills. 

Goosebumps consumed my body as the cold barrel of my pistol came to rest on the underside of my chin. 

I glanced to Summer and gave her hand a squeeze, as she aimed her gun under her own chin. She gave me a heart-warming smile, then turned to face the sunset and stood at attention. 

A flock of birds frenzied into flight, startled by the two loud BANGS that ripped through the quiet woods. 

Both sides came rushing, to see the fate of their leaders and crown the victor. No one, on either side, was prepared for the scene that marred the crisp, white snow. Summer and Andrea's lifeless bodies were found by Canadian and French soldiers. They were laying face-up in the snow, still holding each other's hands.

A pair of star-crossed lovers, took their life.  

Paralyzed with grief over the deaths of their heroic leaders, the nations of Canada and that of France, immediately signed a ceasefire to end the war.


In a courtyard in Ottawa, overlooking the Ottawa River, a beautiful statue stands stoic.

Major General Jeanie "Andrea" Valjean
1981 - 2024

Synonymously, across the Atlantic in a beautiful park in Paris, a similar statue of a nation's martyr stands in honour of a female soldier, who's mutual sacrifice brought about the end of the war.

Lieutenant Colonel Nicolette "Summer" Javert

1982 - 2024


Mistress Andrea 😢 

Continued in: Ethical Dilemma









Continued from:  Why the Long Face? When we left off with this cute couple, Vanessa was exerting her dominance over her sissy husband, allow...