Monday, June 10, 2024

Aggravated Anilingus

Continued from: Ethical Dilemma

"That was the evening that Cassandra and I succumbed to our baser desires, our passions igniting like wildfire as we found ourselves entwined on Mistress Andrea's plush bed. The dim lighting, the soft music and the booze, it all seemed to be conspiring against us, tempting us further down the path of debauchery." 

"I felt Cassandra's tantalizing tongue, dancing across my skin, her gentle caresses leaving trails of fire in their wake. Her lips claimed mine, our tongues intertwining as we devoured each other's hunger."

"It wasn't long before we surrendered fully to our cravings. And that's when...that's when it happened..."

*Trails off*

"Stop stalling Miss Chapman, and show us on the doll where she touched you, where she put her tongue." 

Let me rewind a little...hehe...

Our first trial in the new courtroom space! It was great fun, especially when my bailiff, Summer brought these two in. I should have known! Carley and tattooed angels who are not so angelic right now. 

*snickers and murmurs from the body of the court*


Cassandra Leigh Goth... 

Carley Chloe Chapman...

The court is ready to accept your pleas. You both stand accused of one count of lewdness, and one count of participating in aggravated anilingus.   

Miss Goth, on or about the 4th day of June, 2024, did, for a sexual purpose, place her tongue into the bare anus of the co-accused, Miss Chapman.

Miss Chapman, you stand accused as a party to the offence, that on or about the 4th day of June, 2024, did allow, for a sexual purpose, the tongue of Miss Goth to enter your bare anus.

How do you plead? 

Let the court register, both accused parties have entered a plea of NOT guilty. 


<Two days earlier>

As I slipped silently into my chambers, a subtle thrill coursed through my veins, sensing the air heavy with anticipation and a nose of feminine arousal. Cassandra and my newest protégé, Carley, lay tangled on my bed, their bodies swathed in candlelight, their urgent whispers and gasps mingling with the shadows. 

I halted just beyond the doorway, drinking in the sight of them lost in passion, oblivious to my presence. The room looked like a crime scene, with various dildos and dongs strewn about, whips, discarded high heels and booze bottles.

Cassandra's deft hands mapped Carley's curves, her fingers weaving into her wet folds, before slapping her pussy sharply. Her lips met Carley's most intimate area, a kiss so fervent it seemed to suck the oxygen from the room. 

Carley's porcelain skin glowed in the flickering light, her raven tresses splayed across my pillows like a dark halo. Her body arched upward, accepting Cassie's exploratory tongue with reckless abandoned, and I found myself ensnared by their forbidden intimacy. 

As I stood transfixed, Cassandra's boldness reached new heights, her tongue delving deep into Carley's secret places, her fingers grasping Carley's hips to hold her steady. A low guttural moan escaped Carley's lips as Cassandra began to languidly tongue-fuck her bare asshole, the sight of which stirred my insides. Carley's body trembled beneath Cassandra's ministrations, her back arching deeper in silent invitation. 

For one fleeting instant, I debated whether to interrupt their clandestine affair or permit them to reach the pinnacle of their pleasure. But as the head Mistress of this esteemed Facility, duty compelled me to intervene - after all, rules existed for a reason. No fucking in my bed unless I'm directly involved! 

When they began to co-ride a double-ended dildo, right on my duvet in a scissor pose, I could no longer remain a silent observer. I was tasked with maintaining order in this sanctuary of perversion. 

As I stepped forward, my stiletto heels clicking on the hardwood, Carley and Cassandra's gazes snapped toward me, their faces etched with guilt and trepidation. The air was heavy with the scent of spent passion, the sheets crumpled and bearing evidence of multiple orgasms. With calculated composure, I surveyed the room disapprovingly, raising an eyebrow to underscore the tableau of shame before me. 

The two little vixens cowered beneath the blankets and held one another, a pitiful attempt to salvage what remained of their dignity and conceal their nudity from my strict gaze.

I cleared my throat, my tone measured and detached. 

"You both will stand trial before the Spanking Court, charged with aggravated anilingus." The phrase hung in the air, its gravity settling upon them like a mantle of shame. 

The atmosphere thickened, heavy with the promise of retribution, and I reveled in the intoxicating aroma of submission, now wafting from these two devious pixies. 

With a deliberate slowness, I turned to leave before pausing at the threshold. "Tomorrow morning, I expect you both to report to the jailer. You will present yourselves voluntarily for arrest and processing. Failure to comply will result in...severe repercussions."

Mistress Andrea 


Continued in: The Crown


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Bi-polar BDSM

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