Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Continued from: Ma'am to Mistress

A Sarah Jane story 

As the gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my sleep, my body pressed against the warmth of Russell's peaceful form. 

My eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of my beloved boy, his masculine frame clad in the frilly pink panties I had insisted he wear to bed the night before. It was the second Sunday since the beginning of our FLR contract (female-led-relationship). 

A slow, satisfied smile spread across my face as I recalled the significance of the day ahead. Maintenance Sunday, our sacred ritual was upon us once again. My gaze drifted down to Russell's groin, where the outline of this chastity device was clearly visible beneath the thin fabric of his panties. Fourteen days had passed since his penis last felt freedom, and his mounting frustration filled me with a sense of profound satisfaction. 

As Russell began to stir awake, I guided his head between my thighs. "Good morning, my pet," I purred, my voice thick with sleepy desire. "I require your tongue this morning." 

Over the past two weeks I have been deliberately using language like this, eloquent and Goddess-like. "Go down on me or, lick my pussy," has its time and place, but "I require an orgasm to start my day," is much better. The word "require" leaves little debate as to my status as his Queen. 

Obediently, he nuzzled against my pussy, the warm breath of his French kiss sending shivers of electricity through my body. 

As the last tremors of my orgasm subsided, I gently stroked his hair, a silent acknowledgement of his devoted service. "Very good, my sweetie," I hissed in satisfaction. "Prepare my coffee please, and remain in those adorable panties only, I'll be down shortly." 

I tiptoed up behind Russell, as he busied himself in the kitchen, preparing my coffee with the utmost care and attention. I cupped the cheeks of his panty-clad bottom to give it a squeeze, before fixing him with a stern yet loving gaze. 

"Young man," I began, strict and authoritative. "I have decided that we shall not delay your maintenance spanking. Last week's drawn-out anticipation, while effective in building tension, proved to be somewhat disruptive to our daily routine."

"Therefore, once you have finished your coffee, you are to head upstairs and shower. After this, put your delightful, pink panties back on and wait for me in the corner of the spanking room, is that understood?" 

Russell's eyes widened slightly at my pronouncement, a flicker of nervous excitement dancing within their depths. "Y-yes, Ma'am," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. 

During his shower, I took a moment to transform myself into the epitome of feminine authority. Slipping into a figure-hugging pencil skirt, I paired it with a crisp white blouse that accentuated my curves. Black seamed stockings and towering stiletto heels completed my ensemble, lending an air of power to my appearance. 

I swept my blonde hair into a severe bun behind my head, not a single strand out of place, and perched my reading glassing upon the bridge of my nose. The reflection staring back at me in the mirror was one of a woman in complete control, which I couldn't help but realize was the paradox of my recent internal conflict and my longing for submission. 

As I entered the spanking room, my heels clicking authoritatively against the hardwood floor, I was greeted by the sight of Russell standing obediently in the corner. One by one, I laid out some implements on the desk, several hairbrushes, a strap, a belt, and with a final satisfied nod, a box of tissues, just in case. 

The final smacks of this Sunday's maintenance landed upon Russell's bare bum. I allowed my hand to linger, cupping his heated flesh possessively. 

Gently, I helped him to his feet, steadying him as he regained his balance. With a tender smile, I guided him back to a corner of the room, positioning him on his knees this time, with his nose to the wall. "There you go, my sweet boy," I cooed. "Bottom red, panties down, just as Mommy likes." 

I sat back down in the spanking chair, the room was deathly quiet, and checked the time on my phone as a secretive smile spread across my face. From downstairs, I heard my front door, followed by approaching footsteps, the unmistakable click of high heels against my staircase. 

I watched as Russell's body tensed, his shoulders rising as he fought the urge to turn and investigate the source of two sets of high heels, power-strutting into my home office. 

In the doorway, stood the striking figures of Mistress Andrea and Summer. Both women were dressed as I was, in corporate power attire, their outfits chosen to emphasize their feminine dominance. 

As they entered the room, their eyes immediately fell upon Russell kneeling in the timeout corner, his bare bottom on display, his panties pooled around his ankles. I could see the initial shock register on their faces, quickly replaced by amusement and appreciation. 

Stepping into her role, the reason she and Summer made this surprise visit today, Mistress extended her hand to shake mine. "Good morning, Sarah, I'm your retained counsel, Miss Andrea," she remarked, with a smirk playing across her face. "This is my personal assistant and associate counsel, Miss Holliday," Mistress spoke firmly as she continued her act. I, of course, played along for Russell's benefit, or detriment, however you wish to look at it from his current state in the corner. 

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," I gestured towards the plush armchairs arranged in the opposing corner of the office. As they settled themselves, their eyes remained fixed upon Russell, drinking in the sight of his humiliation. 

"As you can see, we were just finishing up our weekly maintenance. Isn't he a sight to behold?" I purred, my gaze sweeping appreciatively over his exposed form. My attention turned back to Mistress as she started to get down to business.  

Mistress Andrea reached into her briefcase, extracting a crisp manila folder with a flourish. "As your official counsel, it's our duty to ensure that all aspects of your...unique arrangement are properly documented. This is the addendum you asked us to prepare for you, Miss Sarah, is that correct?" 

I nodded in approval as I perused the one-page document, my eyebrows raised in surprise. The document outlined several new clauses. As I read, I couldn't help but clench my thighs together to quell the ache, as a shiver of anticipation ran down my spine.

Terms of Switching Roles

This was the delicious looking title at the top of the addendum. 

The idea of temporarily reversing our roles, of surrendering control to Russell for a designated period, had my heart pounding out of my chest. It would be the best of both worlds! 

My manicured fingers reached the bottom of a page. where I scanned a section with the title of: 


I looked up at Andrea, slightly confused as I read the sub-heading:

Non-derogation clause 

"Madam Counsellor," I asked softly and submissively, "what's a non-derogation clause?"

Sarah Jane ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

To be continued...

A non-derogation clause is a contractual provision that ensures that no other rules, permissions or guidelines can diminish or override the main rule, which is no cumming without permission! 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Ma'am to Mistress

Continued from: Caesar Sunday

A Sarah Jane story 

So how do you make that transition, from one persona to the next, one role to another? When is it appropriate for "Mommy" to become Mistress, or Ma'am to become Goddess. 

Mistress Andrea taught me that spankings, whether they be for maintenance, therapeutic ones, or punishment spankings, should be completely non-sexual in nature. Russell's Sunday maintenance certainly was, but I could not suppress my arousal any longer. I wanted to reap the benefits of having a submissive, a slave even - locked in a chastity cage for the past seven days and is now standing in the corner of my room with a very red bum. I had a view similar to this. 

It was very arousing to me and I wanted to do something about it! My mind was swirling everywhere, from my recent playtime with Mandy...

...to the other night, when I had Russell in a baby-pink satin nightie and panties, taking the sole of my slipper to his bare bum. 

Mistress taught me that cornertime and other forms of time-out, is the perfect opportunity to slowly make that transition from one scene to the next, from Mommy to Mistress. Whether Russell is experiencing an emotional release due to the spanking, or he is just quietly reflecting on his status as a kept and spanked man, his time spent with his nose to the wall allows for a transition into my needs. 

I checked the timer counting down on my phone. 




Once again, I found myself resorting back to my training as I navigated this new role, reciting the mantra of female dominance and a female-led-relationship - the three D's. 

Denial - check
Discipline - check

All that remained was the third D, which is Domination, and I was more than ready to flex that one. 

Setting aside my tablet, I slid off the bed and slowly peeled off my constricting jeans, leaving only my nude stockings and delicate panties hugging my curves. Climbing back onto the bed, I leaned back, my legs spreading invitingly. I traced my fingers lightly over the silk fabric of my panties, teasing myself as much I was teasing Russell, as I was making it audibly known that I was masturbating. 

I continued to pleasure myself as I read a few more excerpts of Miss Julie's erotica, my movements becoming more urgent as my arousal grew. The sound of my fingers working against the dampening fabric of my panties filled the room, a sensual accompaniment to Russell's enforced silence. 

With my panties thoroughly soaked and my body thrumming with unfulfilled desire, I quietly slipped off the bed and tiptoed toward Russell's corner, stopping at the dresser to grab a little something on the way by. Moving silently in my stockinged feet, I came to a stop directly behind him, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his spanked bum. 

With swift movements, I grasped Russell's wrists and drew them firmly behind his back. The cool metal of handcuffs encircled his flesh, clacking into place as the teeth chattered into the lock. Russell's sharp intake of breath at the sudden restraint sent a thrill through me, a potent reminder of the control I held over him. 

With Russell's wrists securely cuffed behind his back, I stepped back to remove my soaked panties, quickly hiking them down and off. Peeling open the inside, I revealed the damp inner gusset, heavy with the scent of my arousal. 

Holding the soaked panties delicately between my fingertips, I returned to the corner. I pressed the scented fabric against the wall and commanded, "Nose here, my pet," as I pointed to the wet gusset. Russell obeyed instantly, leaning forward to rest his nose onto the evidence of my pleasure. 

"Breathe deeply," I purred, watching as he inhaled the heady scent of my dominance. "Don't you dare let those panties fall to the floor!" I cautioned. "If I return to find them on the floor, you'll find yourself back over my knee for the hairbrush. And then it's straight back to the corner, where your time will start all over again." 

Oooo, there was a flex right there! I felt that one right between my legs!

I trailed a finger lightly down his spine, relishing the shiver that ran through his body at my touch. 

With Russell securely positioned in his humiliating predicament, I glanced at the timer, noting with a smile that Russell still had a good twelve minutes remaining in his corner time. Confident that my predicament bondage would keep him still, I spun on my tiptoes and sauntered out of the bedroom, leaving him to contemplate his position in this relationship. 

As for me...it was time to transition into "Mistress" mode and from what Mistress Andrea taught me, the easiest way to do this, is through my attire. Change the outfit, darken the eyes, darken the lips, add a choker...check! 

As the final seconds of Russell's corner time ticked away, I made my way back to the bedroom, riding crop in hand. Entering the room, I found him exactly as I left him - nose pressed obediently against my panties, body rigid with the effort of maintaining this position, wrists cuffed behind his back. 

Setting the crop down on the bed, I approached Russell, the click of my heels on the hardwood floor announcing my presence. With deliberate slowness, I unlocked the cuffs and held out my palm to accept my panties, never once letting them touch the floor. 

He turned, rubbing feeling back into his wrists, before his hands instinctively moved to cover his chastised manhood, still snugly locked away in its cage. "Hands at your sides, please," I instructed calmly, snapping my fingers to get him into a kneel with a point of my gloved finger. 

With Russell now kneeling submissively, hands obediently at his sides and his caged cock prominently displayed, I fixed him with a stern yet affectionate gaze. "Now, young man," I began, my voice a soft purr, "I expect a proper thank you for your maintenance spanking. Let's hear it."

Russell's cheeks flushed a delightful shade of pink as he cleared his throat, preparing to deliver the formal thanks I required. "Thank you, Ma'am," he began, his voice steady despite the humility of the situation, "for taking the time to administer my spanking. I value your dedication to keeping me disciplined and focused on serving you. Your firm control helps me feel centered and loved." 

I listened attentively as Russell delivered his heartfelt thanks, a sense of deep satisfaction settling over me. Once he finished speaking, I scooched closer, lifting his chin with my gloved hand. "You're very welcome, Russell," I hissed, my voice laced with both warmth and authority. 

"Next Sunday, you'll find yourself right back in the spanking room and right back in this very corner, with your bottom glowing a lovely shade of crimson. And the Sunday after that, and the Sunday after that..." I paused, letting the weight of my dominance consume him. "I do this because I care, Russell, do I make myself clear?" 

Ohhh, that one got him! 

I saw his bottom lip start to quiver as he knelt before me. I pulled him into a tender embrace, holding him close as I felt the tension drain from his body. "You did so well today, baby boy," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'm incredibly proud of you." 

As Russell continued to seek comfort in my arms, I took the opportunity to get his collar around his neck and click the chain leash onto it, letting it freely dangle down his chest. 

Releasing Russell from our embrace, I stood and gracefully lowered myself onto the edge of the bed, my legs parting seductively. 

I reached for my riding whip and flexed it in my hands as I met Russell's gaze, my eyes smoldering with desire. "Come here, my pet" I purred, pointing to my inner thighs with the riding crop and raveling his leash around my hand.  

"You're not done thanking me yet, and don't you dare stop until I've cum all over your lips." 

Sarah Jane ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Continued in: Addendum


Caesar Sunday

Continued from: Teacher's Pet

A Sarah Jane story 

One would think that after such an emasculating and helpless scene for poor Russell, watching Mandy and I in our schoolgirl outfits, completely having at one another, that I would just stow him away in his own shame and humiliation when we got home. 

Quite the opposite actually. We went for dinner. We giggled and laughed as we spoke of the scandalous scene from each other's perspectives. Apart from his caged penis and the subject matter of the dinner conversation, we would appear as just another normal couple on a date night. 

I think I will get a cage though, for the end of my bed, especially if Mandy comes to visit and she and I want to play uninterrupted. And for other scenes and sessions at home, it'll be good for Russell to be shackled and just idle for me, waiting to be used at my whim. Perhaps one of those collapsible crates I can store under my bed until needed? And a few sturdy padlocks...hmm.

Anyway, yes...that was Saturday afternoon with Mandy, then a Saturday night dinner with just Russell and I. It was also the eve of our first maintenance Sunday with ME in charge. He got the wooden spoon over my knee as a punishment, during this first week of our FLR. Then he got a soothing spanking and slippering over "Mommy's" knee at bedtime, a little later in the week. But this would be our first Sunday maintenance spanking. The first ritual to define all future Sunday's in our FLR, the pressure was on to deliver.

From my own experience on the receiving end, I knew I had to properly layer him, that the spanking should be long rather than hard, but enough of an impact that he would be feeling it for a few days. I knew implement selection was important, having been taught at the Facility to always try for hand, leathers, woods, hand, in that order, and to use a variety of positions and furniture to really draw this session out. I was more than ready.  


Sundays were always special in our household when it was me who was receiving the spanking - it marked the end of one week and the beginning of another, a perfect time for reflection, reconnection and of course, weekly discipline. This particular Sunday was momentous, as it would be our first official maintenance spanking since formalizing our FLR contract. 

Throughout the day, I could sense Russell's growing anticipation and nervous energy, as he did not know when it was coming, this was by design. He was acutely aware he would be getting a spanking today, he just didn't know when and I intended to keep it that way.

We went about our usual Sunday routines - a leisurely brunch, some chores around the house, a walk in the park. But there was an undercurrent of tension, a delicious sense of inevitability hanging in the air.

As the day wore on, I deliberately avoided mentioning the impending spanking, watching with amusement as Russell grew increasingly fidgety and distracted. I knew his mind was consumed with thoughts of what was to come - the exposure, the vulnerability and a very lengthy trip over my knee.

After a satisfying dinner, I finally broke the silence. "It's time, Russell," I said softly, yet firmly, using his full name like a mother would call her misbehaved son. "Upstairs to the spanking room, please. Undress completely and wait for me in the corner, nose to the wall." Russell's breath caught slightly, but he obeyed without hesitation, squeaking out a "yes, Ma'am", before making his way upstairs. 

Caesar has spoken! 

I gave Russell ample time to prepare himself, both physically and mentally, allowing him to marinate in anticipation for a full twenty minutes in the corner. When I decided it was time to make my entrance, I slipped off my casual flats and stepped into a pair of shiny, nude patent heels, relishing the click of the stilettos against our hardwood floors as I ascended the stairs. The heels, paired with my form-fitting jeans and nude pantyhose underneath, created a striking union of modern maternal authority and feminine allure. 

My outfit could definitely be “Mommy” for this session, but I was going with the seriousness of “Ma’am” tonight. 

As I entered the upstairs office, the sight of Russell standing obediently in the corner, fully exposed and vulnerable, sent a thrill through me. I took a moment to neatly arrange some implements on the desk, before pulling the straight-backed chair into the center of the room. Maintenance is not the time nor place for crops, floggers or whips. My implement selection was domestically oriented, hairbrushes, rulers, spatulas and spoons, with a few leather paddles and straps from the impact play realm of kink. 

I made my way to the chair, sinking into its firm embrace with a satisfied sigh. I pressed my knees together to create a sturdy base, as my jeans rode up on my ankles, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of my delicate, hosed ankles.

"Come here, young man," I purred, patting my lap invitingly. Russell turned from the corner, his eyes downcast as he approached and whispered out an embarrassed, about to be spanked as an adult, “yes, Ma’am.” I guided him gently over my knees, positioning his body so that his caged cock rested snugly between my denim-clad thighs. 

"You know this is for your own good, huni, I know you need this." I cooed to him in maternal fashion as he settled over my lap. I began spanking him with a steady rhythm of firm swats, using only my palm. I took my time, allowing the warmth to build gradually across his bare bottom. I didn't say much during this warm-up phase, allowing each smack to echo through the room as he squirmed lightly. 

I would alternate cheeks, making sure to pay some attention to his upper thighs. My form was perfect, bringing my hand high above my head before delivering each smack. I’d do a volley of twelve hard ones, then back right off to twenty-five light ones, ensuring I was colouring the entire area.

As Russell's skin began to take on a delightful rosy hue, I reached for the first of several leather paddles I had laid out earlier. The supple hide smelled wonderful and it felt weighty in my grip, as I brought it down sharply against his already tender cheeks. Again, I cycled between short bursts of hard, followed by longer and lighter, rhythmic volleys of soft to moderate strokes. 

Towards the end of his warm-up phase, I asked him to surrender his arm to me, which I pinned behind his back. I did some gentle rubbing and cupping of his bum, like being wrapped in a warm blanket, then really let him have it with my palm, like being plunged into an ice bath. This rollercoaster technique seemed to add another layer, and underscore his helplessness and vulnerable state. 

After several sets like this, I decided it was time to move to the next phase of his discipline. Rising from the chair gracefully, I took Russell's hand in mine and led him from the office, into the bedroom.

In the center of the floor, I had positioned the ottoman bench, a plump, inviting pillow at the ready, to bolster his hips. 

I guided Russell to stand beside it, then pointed firmly at the cushioned surface. "Over you go, huni," I instructed, my voice a sultry mix of authority and affection. "Pillow under your hips, please." Russell complied without hesitation, draping his well-warmed bottom over the soft mound, presenting his bum beautifully for the continuation of his maintenance. 

With Russell positioned obediently over the ottoman, I took a moment to admire the view. His reddened bum, already bearing some deep colour, looked absolutely delectable, lifted and presented before me. For dramatic effect, I closed the bedroom door with a soft click, as if to shield curious ears downstairs or in another room, from what was about to occur.

Standing tall in my heels, I could feel the female dominance coursing through me, reminding my throbbing pussy that this was definitely the role for me. I reached for my belt, slowly drawing the leather through the loops of my jeans. The metallic jingle of the buckle filled the air, a precursor to the symphony of sensations I was about to conduct. 

Doubling the belt over in my hands, I savoured the weight and suppleness of the leather, smoothing it in my palm to prepare it - soon it shall be dancing across Russell's bare bum.

With the belt firmly in hand, I stepped closer to Russell, trailing my fingernails over his sit spots. "Twenty-six, young man," I murmured, my voice low and commanding. "You will count each one aloud and thank me." 

Without further warning, I drew my arm back and delivered the first searing stroke, the leather cracking against his skin with a resounding snap. Again, this wasn't a punishment strapping, the strokes were measured, not severe. 

"One, thank you, Ma'am!" Russell breathed out. I paused only briefly before delivering the second lash, and then the third, each stroke eliciting a gasp and a dutiful count from my devoted submissive. By thirteen, I switched sides of the ottoman, to ensure the strapping would be evenly distributed. I watched with satisfaction as Russell's bottom bloomed an angrier shade of crimson with each impact.

I deepened the whole experience with some wooden hairbrush, over my knee, and concluded with my palm, the most intimate and reconnecting form of OTK.  

By this point, as the spanking was starting to become challenging for Russell, I started using more dialog, telling him that it's okay to need this, it's alright if he needed to cry. The tears never came this time, but I wanted to make sure he knew it was alright, if he needed to. This is what Sunday maintenance was all about, to empty his cup that could be full or filling. 

I kept him over my knee and wrapped my arm possessively around his waist, a move that would certainly elicit feelings of helplessness within him. Holding him firmly, I applied some pink baby lotion to his throbbing bottom, in soothing, maternal fashion. "You did very well, Russell," I cooed to him, "your spanking is over now." 

He shifted onto his knees before me, crouching low to kiss each of my high heels, before I ushered him back up and nuzzled him into my breasts. 

"Thank you, Ma'am," he mewled out softly, his voice trembling with vulnerability. 

I helped Russell to his feet, steadying him as he found his balance. Pointing to the corner of the bedroom, I instructed, "nose to the corner, please. Some time to reflect on this Sunday and every Sunday that will follow. "We'll do," I hummed to myself in mock, internal debate. "Hmmm...twenty-five minutes today, young man."

Russell moved obediently to his designated spot, the vivid redness of his freshly spanked bottom on full, humbling display. 

As he settled into his corner, I couldn't help but admire the sight of him - naked, vulnerable, and beautifully marked by my female dominance. I set the timer on my phone for twenty-five minutes, the digital numbers glowing brightly as they began their countdown. 

I kicked off my high heels and climbed onto our king-sized bed, propping myself up against the headboard with and sighing in contentment. Reaching for my tablet, I settled into read more of Miss Julie's e-books, occasionally glancing up to monitor my submissive's posture and demeanor. I felt like an absolute Goddess, I was loving everything about this moment!

Sarah Jane ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

(If you don't know who Miss Julie is or haven't read her e-books, I strongly recommend that you do)

A link to her blog is above. 
Links to her amazing e-books are in her menu on the blog.

Continued in: Ma'am to Mistress





Thursday, October 3, 2024

Teacher's Pet

Continued from: School Ties

A Sarah Jane story

As Mandy and I stepped into the classroom, the sight that greeted us was one of pure vulnerability. There, seated near the teacher's desk, was my beloved Russell, naked from the waist down and tightly bound to the chair. His chastity cage glinted in the fluorescent light, a stark reminder of his utter helplessness in the face of our feminine allure. 

Beside me, I heard Mandy's sharp intake of breath, followed by a delighted giggle. "Oh, Sarah," she breathed, her eyes wide with wonder, "is that really his...you know?" I chuckled, amused by her naivety and innocence. 

"Indeed it is, my lovely," I confirmed, my voice dripping with a cocky ownership. "That little metal prison is all a girl needs to get whatever she wants. Isn't that right, young man?" 

Russell's face contorted with a mixture of shame and longing, his eyes frantically darting between Mandy and I, and the outfits we were in. "Y-yes, Ma'am," he managed to squeak out, his voice thick with humiliation. Mandy and I started kissing, but curiosity got the better of her and she broke away from my lips. 

Mandy took a tentative step forward and knelt down before him, in a perfect, submissive blowjob pose (what a little temptress she is!). "Can I...can I touch it, Sarah?" she asked, her hand already reaching out towards the gleaming steel. 

I smiled indulgently, nodding my permission. "By all mean, sweetie," I encouraged her. Mandy's little hands brushed against the cool metal bars, eliciting a gasp from deep within Russell's throat. She traced the contours of the device, marveling at its simple design and the way it seemed to pulse beneath her touch. 

"It's so...small," she teased, her lips curling into a vengeful smile. 

I reached down and grabbed the cage firmly, giving it a gentle tug that made Russell gasp out loud. "You see, my sweetie, this isn't just about physical restraint. It's about psychological domination, breaking him down with denial until he is nothing more than a dribbling slave. 

"I think I'm starting to see the appeal, Sarah. I'm so wet right now," she giggled, her hand joining mine to stroke the metal cage.

"Really?" I challenged her, "lemme see," and I pushed her playfully over one of the school desks. With a flourish, I hooked my thumbs under the waistband of Mandy's delicate panties, slowly sliding them down her smooth thighs. 

I could see the soaked gusset of them, a testament to her growing arousal. Russell watched, transfixed, as I brought the soiled panties to his face, allowing him a brief moment to inhale the intoxicating scent of Mandy's desire before stuffing the silky material into his eager mouth. 

With the makeshift gag in place, I was sure he would remain relatively silent throughout our little show. I turned my attention back to Mandy, my eyes drinking in the sight of her glistening, bare pussy, now fully exposed to my hungry gaze. 

"Spread your legs for me, sweetie." I commanded softly in a sultry purr. Mandy complied without hesitation, parting her thighs to reveal the swollen, pink flesh of her beautiful pussy. 

After spending some time with my ass in Russell's face and my tongue lashing at Mandy's clit, I gestured for her to lie down on the floor. I positioned myself above her, my knees on either side of her head, my own soaked pussy hovering tantalizingly close to her eager mouth. 

We brought each other to a simultaneous orgasm that echoed through the room, losing ourselves in the symphony of our shared pleasure. I helped Mandy up, guiding her to the nearby desk. With a firm hand on the small of her back, I bent her over the polished wood, lifting her skirt to expose her recently whipped bum. 

I retrieved a strap-on from the teacher's desk and fastened it around my hips, relishing the feeling of power that coursed through me as I prepared to claim Mandy as my own. With a single fluid motion, I plunged deep into her welcoming cunt, her moans of desire mingling with Russell's muffled cries of frustration. 

I grabbed her ponytail as a handle and set a punishing pace, my hips slapping against her sore ass with each powerful thrust. 

As I continued to fuck her relentlessly, I reached beside me to yank the panties from Russell's mouth. His jaw fell open, his chest heaving with ragged breaths as he watched me bring the glistening dildo to his lips. 

"Suck it," I ordered, my voice firm with authority. 

The debauched scene played out something like this...

...with multiple trips back and fourth between Mandy's pussy and Russell's mouth, until she shuddered her way into another orgasm. 

With her pussy still contracting and pulsating, I slowly re-entered her and gently treated her to a few more thrusts, while looking back at Russell deviously. 

"Don't worry my pet," I purred to him, my voice laced with dark promise. "Your turn will come soon enough. But for now, be content with the knowledge that you have pleased your Mistress and her friend, and that is reward enough."

Just then, Mandy embraced me in a warm hug, asking bashfully, "Mistress, can we do this again?" 

'Mistress' she chose to call me...huh.

It looks like this Mistress has a new pet!

Sarah Jane ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Continued in: Caesar Sunday


Continued from:  Ma'am to Mistress A Sarah Jane story  As the gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, I stirred fr...