Friday, August 23, 2024


Continued from: Weeping Willow

Sarah was simply exquisite with her tongue, lapping at my pussy with such skill and dedication. Each flick sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body, building to a crescendo that left me quivering. And all the while, we could hear Summer's muffled cries emanating from the pool house, her voice growing frantic as Russell pounded into her with primal abandon. 

The combinations of sensations - the warmth of Sarah's mouth, the distant sounds of Summer being fucked, the urgency of my own impending climax - it was utterly intoxicating.

Once Summer and Russell emerged, flushed and giggling, his still-hard cock indicated to me that he didn't finish. He let Summer cum while she was being railed and held off his own orgasm, what a gentleman! 

Sarah noticed this too, a smile from ear to ear cresting her face, as she impaled herself on him with a sigh of pure bliss. As she began to ride him, Summer leaned in, capturing Sarah's lips in a searing kiss. The sight of those two beauties, their tongues tangling as they shared the lingering flavour of my pussy, was enough to send my curious fingers down to my clit, hurling me towards another mind-blowing orgasm. 

It was a fitting conclusion to a deliciously debauched afternoon. I watched with a mixture of amusement and arousal as Summer, Russell and Sarah hurried into the house. Sarah's round ass was still red from belt strapping she had received the previous night, while Summer's shapely bottom displayed twenty-six vivid stripes from my expert application of the willow switch. 

Just as I was contemplating the various ways I could further torment and tease my willing subjects, the gate swung open, revealing Cassandra and Carley. The two young women, their hands clasped tightly together, looked Gothically radiant as they entered the yard. Cassie took Carley on the usual southern-Ontario tourist haunts, as Carley had never seen or experienced some of the beauties of a Canadian summer. 

Niagara Falls, once heralded as the most romantic place on Earth. I've been there a few times...can't say I agree with that one but I imagine these two made the most of the Fallsview hotel suite they spent a few days in. 

They took in the sights and sounds of bustling Toronto...

And finished off with a romantic and likely passionate few nights in a tent in Algonquin Park. 

As they sweetly held hands in the back yard, their faces were alight with the glow of shared experiences and budding romance. As I observed the tender interactions between these two, I couldn't help but notice an underlying tension that seemed to emanate from Cassie. Her grip on Carley's hand tightened ever so slightly, and there was a subtle furrow in her brow. 

It dawned on me that tonight would be the night she would have to bid farewell to Carley, as she prepared to head back home to the UK. The realization hit me like a punch in the gut, that I would be the one to drive these two to the airport. I couldn't even imagine the emotional upheaval that Cassandra must be experiencing right now. 

As time got closer and the sun set, I approached the living room, the sound of muffled sobs caught my attention. Peering from around the corner, I found Cassandra on her knees, her face buried in Carley's lap as she clung desperately onto her legs. The sight was heartbreaking, a raw display of vulnerability and despair from my sweet Cassie. Her shoulders shook with each ragged sob, her words barely intelligible. 

"Please don't go," she pleaded, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I can't bear to be without you!" Carley stroked Cassandra's hair gently, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears as she tried to comfort her distraught lover. 

As we prepared to depart for the airport, I pulled Cassandra aside and pressed a pair of sunglasses into her hand. She looked at me puzzled, no doubt wondering why she would need them, it was nighttime. But I knew all too well the pain of airport goodbyes. Russell and I experienced many, back in the day and we developed a code-word...a code-word that was: "sunglasses". And Cassandra was about to figure out why...

I watched from a distance, as they shared a final kiss, adamant that rather than saying "goodbye", they chose to tell each other, "until we meet again." The reality of Carley's impending departure hit Cassie like a freight train. With trembling hands, she slipped on the sunglasses I had given her earlier, grateful for the smoky veil of protection that would hide her tears from curious passersby. 

Tears streamed down her face, hidden from view but no less potent in their intensity. We watched in silence as Carley stepped onto the escalator, her figure growing smaller with each passing second until she disappeared from sight. Cassandra turned to me, her body shaking with the force of her sobs, and threw herself into my arms. 

She clutched at me desperately, her fingers digging into my back as if trying to anchor herself in the face of overwhelming grief.

"Andrea, please!" she choked out between gasping breaths, "is it suppose to hurt like this? Do something, Andrea! Don't let her go..."

On the drive home, Cassie just curled into a ball in the front seat, nothing further was said. Rain splattered down against the windshield as I remembered back to my own experiences in that bloody airport, a time when Russell and I both had to don sunglasses on countless occasions. 

The only sound that filled the car was the steady drumming of rain against the windows, a fitting accompaniment to the storm raging within Cassie's heart. She stared blankly out at the water-streaked glass, her eyes vacant and unseeing, lost in the depths of her own despair. 

I couldn't help but wonder what the coming days would bring. Cassandra's fiery temperament, coupled with the searing pain of separation, was a volatile combination. Would she lash out in anger, taking out her rage on the male clients? 

Or would she turn inward, allowing the darkness to consume her entirely? 

Mistress Andrea 😢


Continued in: Heathrow



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weeping Willow

Continued from: Summer Kisses

A Sarah Jane story

As I observed the unfolding drama, Mistress' expression turned glacier-cold, her patience worn threadbare by Summer's bratting. With a crisp tone, she commanded, "Get out of the pool, young lady." Summer, sensing the gravity of her mistake, slowly climbed out of the water, her lower lip trembling. "And don't dawdle," Mistress added, her gaze unyielding. 

"Cut a willow switch from the garden and strip its leaves. We need to discuss your behaviour." The implication hung heavy in the air - a switching awaited Summer's bare bum, and I suspected it wouldn't be a gentle one. 

Seated on a little chair, her back to the three of us and head bowed, Summer resembled a chastened schoolgirl, facing the fence as if confined to timeout. Her task, stripping the willow switch of its leaves, became an exercise in humiliation, each delicate finger movement a reminder of her behaviour. 

The air was heavy with expectation as Summer, her cheeks aflame, carefully carried the denuded switch to Mistress Andrea, her hands extended to present it shamefully. "Please, Mommy," she requested, her voice laced with embarrassment, "may I be punished, Ma'am?" The words dripped with obedience and ritual, yet trembled with trepidation. 

I watched, riveted with secret arousal, as Mistress inspected the whippy instrument of correction, her scrutiny unwavering. Satisfied with the weight and flexibility of the switch, Mistress stood tall in her stiletto sandals. "Bend over, Summer Addison," she commanded, her voice devoid of emotion. 

As Summer reluctantly complied, she flipped her hair to the side, looking back and crying frantically. "Please, Mommy, not here! Not in front of everyone!" Her gaze scanned Daddy and I, searching for a sympathetic ear. "Take me inside, please! Punish me in private, Mommy!" 

With a curt nod, Mistress grasped Summer's bicep, as she dragged her struggling form toward the pool house, leaving Daddy and I to sit in their wake. As they vanished into the dim interior, the door swung shut behind them, enveloping us in an uncomfortable silence. 

The closed door muffled the sounds, but couldn't mask the unmistakable whistle of the switch slicing through the air, followed by the sharp report of impact. Muffled gasps escaped, punctuated by Summer's strained counting, "Eight, thank you Ma'am...Nine, thank you Ma'am..." Each stroke uttered was laced with humiliation, echoing through my pussy like a mantra. My own arousal responded, my clit growing achy, as I visualized Summer's naked and vulnerable pose. 

Eventually the door creaked open and Mistress emerged, her demeanour serene and composed, a stark contrast to the turmoil that lingered within. She deliberately left the door open, framing a tableau absent of dignity: Summer, stood with nose pressed to the corner, her slender hands clasped atop her head in a posture of shame and surrender. 

The curvaceous perfection of Summer's bum, once smooth and unblemished, now bore the crimson testament of her misbehaviour - 26 precise welts, etched across her skin like a fiery script. Daddy and I heard her count aloud, all 26, although her sobs rendered the last few counts indistinguishable.

Thirty minutes crept by slowly, Summer still trapped in her shameful corner, her body language screaming of remorse and fatigue. Then, I gently broke the stalemate. "Daddy...why don't you go comfort her, if Mistress is ok with that, of course." 

Daddy's gaze darted toward Mistress, awaiting her approval and consent. We all knew that when I said, "comfort her", I was actually suggesting that Daddy give her what she so desperately craved and so frustratingly missed out on, last night. 

"Should we give the little brat what she wants?" Mistress chimed in. "That seems a bit counterproductive."

"It's okay, Daddy," I urged him on with my gentle tone. "I want you to...and I'm sure Mistress will have something to keep me busy out here," I glanced to Mistress with a devilish grin. 

As I watched, Daddy shut the door to the pool house behind him, his entrance heralded by a faint whimper from Summer, still positioned in the corner. She didn't dare move, her only sign of life came from a sigh that escaped her lips. But as Daddy's footsteps drew closer, her head slowly turned, her gaze rising to meet his. 

A smile of triumph flickered across her features as she took in the sight of him, his swim trunks discarded, his cock proudly erect. She gingerly knelt down and sat back on her heels, causing her to wince as her little bare feet came into contact with her whipped bottom. 

Focusing on the engorged cock, just inches from her lips, in a parody of innocence, she cooed, "Daddy, is that for me?" The words dripped with affected sweetness, but beneath, a layer of raw hunger. 

"Someone seems like she knows how to throw a tantrum and get her own way?" Daddy teased. "But bratting comes at a cost it would seem." 

"YES!" Summer squealed. "That's it! Call me your spoiled brat when you fuck me, Daddy. Teach me a lesson." 

I think Summer was being deliberately loud, as Daddy draped her over a giant inflatable pool toy and  fucked the daylights out of her, intentionally broadcasting her pleasure in a display of bratty victory.

But I wasn't paying much attention, my focus was consumed by the lush, velvety softness of Mistress' pussy, my lips worshipping the delicate contours as she guided my head with gentle pressure. 

What a wild few days I've had! 

Sarah Jane 💟

Continued in: Sunglasses

Sarah Jane's actual summer cuteness is purchased from an online store called "Little for Big". She has a few of these little suits and she and Russell do indeed, own a kiddie pool for her. 

Here's a link to the store (and I am in no way affiliated to the store, it's just really cute stuff!)



Summer Kisses

Continued from: Slumber Party

A Sarah Jane story.

Morning light crept into the room, casting a warm glow over the sprawling bed where the four of us slept the night away. I stirred first, my bum throbbing with a dull ache - remnants of last night's strapping over Daddy's knee. As I gingerly shifted onto my tummy, Summer's sleep-heavy gaze fluttered open, her concern etched on her face. Without a word, she reached out, her little hand tracing gentle circles on my sore bottom. I winced at first, but it was soon replaced with gratitude as she soothed my bare cheeks with little kisses. 

Our sleepy gazes met, and without needing any words, we both knew it was time to acknowledge the lingering tension between us. We eased closer and pulled our panties to the side. Wetness seeped from our pussies as we aligned ourselves, our legs intertwining into a scissor. 

In hushed silence, we began to move against each other, our slick folds and swollen clits clapping together in rhythmic synchrony. Moans built in the back of our throats, as our mutual arousal grew, until finally, in tandem, we both covered our mouths and shuddered through climax. 

I realized why these stolen moments with Summer were so precious - they reminded me that even amidst the turmoil of our submissive roles, there existed a deep bond between us. 

Daddy stirred awake next, followed by Mistress Andrea. He saw the mischievous guilt and flushed cheeks that enveloped our smiling faces. 

"What just happened there?" He asked rhetorically. 

Summer and I erupted into fits of laughter, her playful fingers tickling my belly. Before long, we were scrambling to dress in "little-girl" pastel swimsuits and tying our hair up in pigtails. 

"Daddy, can we please set up our kiddie pool?" Summer requested, her big blue eyes shining with an irresistible innocence. Daddy hastened to oblige, his accommodating smile betraying a glimmer of amusement. As he laboured over the inflatable pool, Summer and I bounced about in the periphery, squealing with anticipation. 

With the pool finally filled and splashing water beckoning, Summer and I climbed inside, our pigtails bobbing as we frolicked and kissed amidst the sprinkling droplets.

Daddy and Mistress eventually joined us outside, their paternal and maternal smiles creasing their faces as they sat to supervise our antics. It was almost like we had become a little family and in that moment, I felt a butterfly-churning urge to just hug Mistress Andrea, and call her "Mommy". 

As the morning wore on, our frolicking in the little pool gradually gave way to more tender displays of affection. We floated closer to one another, and with our faces inches apart, we shared a soft, exploratory kiss. The sound of lapping water and songbirds provided a serene backdrop for this intimate moment. 

Summer pulled back from the kiss, rolling my bottom lip sensually as she did while gazing into my eyes with a somber expression. "You know, baby," she murmured, "we've been through so much together, haven't we?" I nodded mutely, my pigtails bobbing in agreement. "As submissives, we've faced our share of challenges," Summer continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "But despite all of that and the roles we all play, I want you to know that I love you, Sarah. You're more than just a friend to me." 

Tears glazed over Summer's eyes as she smiled sweetly, her heart and mine, swelling with emotion. Suddenly, a flicker of melancholy crossed her face. 

"To be honest, baby, I was a little let down last night," she confessed, her voice hesitant. "At bedtime when Daddy was fucking know," her voice trailed off in embarrassment. "Sometimes, sweetheart, a girl just needs the real thing. Not a strap-on from Mistress, no matter how skilled she may be." 

I nodded empathetically, my ponytails bouncing in accord. "It's okay to feel that way, Summer. If it's ok with Mistress, we can share Daddy; there's enough love to go around." I gently squeezed Summer's hand as we exchanged another tender kiss. "It seems Mistress doesn't mind sharing you with me, right?" I giggled. 

Later in the day, whether it was the boldness that only alcohol can provide or Summer just needing to get it out in the open, she paddled her little feet over to Mistress, her bottom lip jutting out in a classic tantrum pose.

"Mommy, it's just not fair!" she declared. "Sarah said Daddy could have fucked me last night too, and that she doesn't mind sharing, cuz it's me!" Summer's arms crossed like a brat as she huffed. When I looked at the expression on Mistress' face, I could tell a severe punishment was looming, and I suspected it would involve a red-hot bottom. 

"Get out of the pool young lady, go cut a switch from the big Willow! 

"Ohhh gawd," I cringed on her behalf. "That's gonna suck, on a wet bottom!" 

Sarah Jane 💟

Continued in: Weeping Willow

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Slumber Party

Continued from: The Belle of the Ball

As the last stroke of the belt seared into the seat of Sarah's onesie, she stumbled to her feet, her palms cradling her ravaged backside. Tears streaming down her face, she choked out and apology to Russell - for her supposed transgressions at the party. 

"I'm sorry, Daddy...for being such a huge whore tonight," Sarah whimpered, her words trembling as she rubbed away the dull sting.

"It's getting quite late, Russell, darling," I said, my voice gentle and prompt, sensing the emotional fatigue emanating from the pair. "Why don't you two simply stay the night? It would be far more convenient..." I trailed off, leaving a strong implication hanging in the air. Summer, ever the opportunist, piped-up before I could continue. "Oui! And we could maybe all go to bed together! We could have so much fun, Mommy!" 

Her bright smile and suggestive tone left little doubt about the nature of this proposed slumber party. Nothing gets Summer more in the mood than a good spanking, I guess...even if she's just watching one. 

As Summer spoke, Sarah's countenance transformed from shame and humiliation to gleeful anticipation, her tears forgotten in the face of Summer's mischievous proposal. The two of them embraced, their little girl outfits rustling as they bounced up and down like sugar-fueled pixies. Russell and I watched, enthralled, as they devolved into a fit of girlish giggles, the atmosphere shifting from strict embarrassment to playful abandon. 

As the impromptu sleepover gained momentum, Summer addressed Russell and I with an expectant glint in her eye. "Will you come upstairs with us, Mommy and Daddy?" she asked, her sugary sweetness belied by the lingering echoes of the earlier strapping. 

Before either of us could respond, she grasped Sarah's wrist, playfully swatted her already-tender bottom, and dragged her up the stairs in a flurry of laughter. 

I looked at Russell and smiled, before slipping into my black lace corset, choker and stepped into my over-the-knee boots. My hair, slicked back into a severe pony, framed my face with an unforgiving elegance. There was no question as to who was in control of this little sleepover tonight. 

I surveyed the room, my gaze settling on Russell like a target acquisition. "Strip!" I ordered, the word a curt directive that left no room for disobedience. Russell's nervous glance flickered downward in my presence, but his hands moved with haste to comply, shedding every stitch of his clothing. 

"Just like old times, baby boy," I purred into his ear, as my hand encircled his cock, using it as a leash to guide him toward the bedroom, where the soft moans and gasps of Summer and Sarah provided a sultry underscore. 

As I led Russell into the room by his dick, the two women were already entwined, lost in a fever of kissing and fingering one another. We let them continue, as our hands replaced their own, and Russell and I began to finger fuck our two pets, as they played sword-fight with their tongues. 

With a sharp tug to Sarah's pigtails, I pulled her mouth off my wife's, and directed her head between Summer's legs. "You get down there and you eat her out!" I hissed, as I pinned Russell down onto his back and took him into my mouth. 

When the sweetness of Summer's pussy glistened off Sarah's lips and tongue, I stuffed a ball gag into her mouth and secured it behind her head forcing her to savour the lovely essence. Now, as I fitted the strap-on cock around my hips, Summer slid onto me with ease and desperation, her tits jiggling wildly as she rode me. 

Summer was able to witness her own arousal shining on Sarah's gagged lips, as Russell bent her forward, her crimson bottom spread and arched for him.   

It was truly a wild night!

Everyone got a little taste of someone, but Russell, ever the gentleman, only fucked Sarah Jane and I only fucked Summer. 

The girls screamed through some powerful orgasms while they were being fucked, desperately crying out "Mommy" and "Daddy" as they did. We all collapsed into a tangle of passion and rapid heartrates, after Russ came into Sarah's pussy and Summer got me off with her skilled tongue. 

#hashtag slumber party problems *oopsie

As everyone had caught their breath, out of no where, Summer suddenly asked all of us if it's suppose to be hot tomorrow. I replied, "yes huni, like over 30 again." 

"Maybe Daddy can set up the kiddie pool for Sarah and I?" 

Mistress Andrea 


Continued in: Summer Kisses


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Belle of the Ball

Continued from: The Cost of Admission

A Sarah Jane story

I arrived to the party like this:

When the party ended, I looked more like this: 

I was shackled up in the filthy urinal room, beside another piss-whore I recently became acquainted with, when a dominant man made me lick her asshole. My once-elegant gown was strewn carelessly aside and soaked in urine. The metallic tang of cum still lingered on my lips, mingling with the bitter taste of piss. There was smeared writing all over my naked body. Words like "whore", "pig", "filthy" and "anal slut". 

In that moment, the writing on my naked body could not have been more true, the room even smelled of poop a-little, having just been fucked in the bum by some random man. 

I had made it through all the degrading stations of the evening. After my toilet brush gag, came a toilet paper gag, while my dress was still pristine and outfit in-tact. 

I had to kneel beside the toilet in a powder room for a few hours, reduced to a human bathroom tissue dispenser!

After this, came the disgusting funnel-gag station!

It was definitely time to wrap this night up and find comfort in Daddy's arms, after a long, hot shower.

As I stepped beneath the warm showerhead, the torrent of water washed away the lingering remnants of piss and cum, restoring a semblance of cleanliness to my degraded body. But my mind seethed, still trapped in the turbulent waves of arousal and humiliation that seemed to feed off one another. 

My thoughts fixated on the memories of being pissed on then sodomized. My fingers danced with a life of their own, diddling my little clit to the memories, until I finally had to reach for the Hitachi. 

In record time, orgasm ripped through me like a seismic event, leaving my legs shaking in its aftermath. I dried off returned to my age regressed status. 

I squeezed into a baby pink onesie, the fabric soft against my skin. The pigtails felt silly, but I went with it, wanting to please Daddy. On all fours, I crawled into the living room where the trio of Daddy, Mistress Andrea and Summer were seated. I half-expected to walk in on some raging threesome of dick and pussy and tits, but they were quite literally watching a movie and eating popcorn. It was cute, Summer was dressed like a little girl too, and was sitting on both their laps like they were Mommy and Daddy. 

Speaking of cute. I felt cute again, not like the filthy piss-whore of my recent experience. I curled into my pet bed in the corner of the room and waited for someone to notice me and call me over.

Of course it was Daddy! His face lit up when he saw me, and he opened his arms. I scurried over, crawling into his lap like an obedient puppy. The other two watched with amusement, and for a minute, everything else melted away. I was Daddy's little girl again, seeking comfort and protection. But as Daddy stroked my hair and asked me how the party was, a spark of shame flickered to life. Last night's depravity replayed in my mind - the piss, the cocks, the toilets - and I felt a dark thrill knowing that Daddy didn't know the extent of my debasement. 

That secret knowledge was turning me on. Grinning mischievously, I wiggled against Daddy's leg, the three crotch-snaps of my onesie rubbing proactively against his pantleg. Mistress and Summer continued snuggling but watched-on with keen interest. "She looks like she wants more, Daddy," they stated in harmony, their voices tinged with sly innuendo. 

I blushed, nodding furtively as the truth spilled forth in a hushed admission. " I was a very, very bad girl tonight, Daddy."

He stood and paused the movie, his hands moving with purpose now. The telltale jingle of Daddy's belt buckle echoed through the room, followed by the unmistakable snap of the leather through jean-loops.

With a quiet sense of resignation, I draped myself across Daddy's lap, feeling the worn denim cradle my tummy, as my bottom was presented into the air. "This is for your own good, young lady," Daddy lectured, each word punctuated by another strike of his belt. Mistress Andrea and Summer just quietly watched my strapping, their faces aglow with mild amusement.

Sarah Jane 💟

Continued in: Slumber Party

Ma'am to Mistress

Continued from:  Caesar Sunday A Sarah Jane story  So how do you make that transition, from one persona to the next, one role to another? Wh...