Continued from: Weeping Willow
[F/f] [lesbian] [goth] [dark] [emo] [romance]
Just as I was contemplating the various ways I could further torment and tease my willing subjects, the gate swung open, revealing Cassandra and Carley. The two young women, their hands clasped tightly together, looked Gothically radiant as they entered the yard. Cassie took Carley on the usual southern-Ontario tourist haunts, as Carley had never seen or experienced some of the beauties of a Canadian summer.
I watched from a distance, as they shared a final kiss, adamant that rather than saying "goodbye", they chose to tell each other, "until we meet again." The reality of Carley's impending departure hit Cassie like a freight train. With trembling hands, she slipped on the sunglasses I had given her earlier, grateful for the smoky veil of protection that would hide her tears from curious passersby.
Sarah was simply exquisite with her tongue, lapping at my pussy with such skill and dedication. Each flick sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body, building to a crescendo that left me quivering. And all the while, we could hear Summer's muffled cries emanating from the pool house, her voice growing frantic as Russell pounded into her with primal abandon.
The combinations of sensations - the warmth of Sarah's mouth, the distant sounds of Summer being fucked, the urgency of my own impending climax - it was utterly intoxicating.
Once Summer and Russell emerged, flushed and giggling, his still-hard cock indicated to me that he didn't finish. He let Summer cum while she was being railed and held off his own orgasm, what a gentleman!
Sarah noticed this too, a smile from ear to ear cresting her face, as she impaled herself on him with a sigh of pure bliss. As she began to ride him, Summer leaned in, capturing Sarah's lips in a searing kiss. The sight of those two beauties, their tongues tangling as they shared the lingering flavour of my pussy, was enough to send my curious fingers down to my clit, hurling me towards another mind-blowing orgasm.
It was a fitting conclusion to a deliciously debauched afternoon. I watched with a mixture of amusement and arousal as Summer, Russell and Sarah hurried into the house. Sarah's round ass was still red from belt strapping she had received the previous night, while Summer's shapely bottom displayed twenty-six vivid stripes from my expert application of the willow switch.
Niagara Falls, once heralded as the most romantic place on Earth. I've been there a few times...can't say I agree with that one but I imagine these two made the most of the Fallsview hotel suite they spent a few days in.
They took in the sights and sounds of bustling Toronto...
And finished off with a romantic and likely passionate few nights in a tent in Algonquin Park.
As they sweetly held hands in the back yard, their faces were alight with the glow of shared experiences and budding romance. As I observed the tender interactions between these two, I couldn't help but notice an underlying tension that seemed to emanate from Cassie. Her grip on Carley's hand tightened ever so slightly, and there was a subtle furrow in her brow.
It dawned on me that tonight would be the night she would have to bid farewell to Carley, as she prepared to head back home to the UK. The realization hit me like a punch in the gut, that I would be the one to drive these two to the airport. I couldn't even imagine the emotional upheaval that Cassandra must be experiencing right now.
As time got closer and the sun set, I approached the living room, the sound of muffled sobs caught my attention. Peering from around the corner, I found Cassandra on her knees, her face buried in Carley's lap as she clung desperately onto her legs. The sight was heartbreaking, a raw display of vulnerability and despair from my sweet Cassie. Her shoulders shook with each ragged sob, her words barely intelligible.
"Please don't go," she pleaded, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I can't bear to be without you!" Carley stroked Cassandra's hair gently, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears as she tried to comfort her distraught lover.
As we prepared to depart for the airport, I pulled Cassandra aside and pressed a pair of sunglasses into her hand. She looked at me puzzled, no doubt wondering why she would need them, it was nighttime. But I knew all too well the pain of airport goodbyes. Russell and I experienced many, back in the day and we developed a code-word...a code-word that was: "sunglasses". And Cassandra was about to figure out why...
I watched from a distance, as they shared a final kiss, adamant that rather than saying "goodbye", they chose to tell each other, "until we meet again." The reality of Carley's impending departure hit Cassie like a freight train. With trembling hands, she slipped on the sunglasses I had given her earlier, grateful for the smoky veil of protection that would hide her tears from curious passersby.
Tears streamed down her face, hidden from view but no less potent in their intensity. We watched in silence as Carley stepped onto the escalator, her figure growing smaller with each passing second until she disappeared from sight. Cassandra turned to me, her body shaking with the force of her sobs, and threw herself into my arms.
She clutched at me desperately, her fingers digging into my back as if trying to anchor herself in the face of overwhelming grief.
"Andrea, please!" she choked out between gasping breaths, "is it suppose to hurt like this? Do something, Andrea! Don't let her go..."
On the drive home, Cassie just curled into a ball in the front seat, nothing further was said. Rain splattered down against the windshield as I remembered back to my own experiences in that bloody airport, a time when Russell and I both had to don sunglasses on countless occasions.
The only sound that filled the car was the steady drumming of rain against the windows, a fitting accompaniment to the storm raging within Cassie's heart. She stared blankly out at the water-streaked glass, her eyes vacant and unseeing, lost in the depths of her own despair.
I couldn't help but wonder what the coming days would bring. Cassandra's fiery temperament, coupled with the searing pain of separation, was a volatile combination. Would she lash out in anger, taking out her rage on the male clients?
Or would she turn inward, allowing the darkness to consume her entirely?
Mistress Andrea 😢
Continued in: Heathrow