Monday, July 15, 2024

Difficult Choices

Continued from: Secretary Fantasy

After a wonderful session with my "secretary" Bella, I had a blissful sleep that night. Summer got home late and nuzzled in beside me, her silken jammies caressing and cooling my skin. She was so stealthy that I actually didn't wake up, despite her big-spooning me.  

I was however, woken up this morning by high-pitched squealing and giggling, coming from downstairs...Cassandra must have been back from her date with Carley and Robbie. It seems their date was an all-nighter. My maternal den-mother instinct took over. I can't say I approved of this out-call, impromptu sleepover, she only just met this couple. 

As I entered the room to investigate and possibly scold, there's my wife with her hand around Cassie's throat, giggling and urging her to spill the beans on all the dirty and depraved details of her threesome evening. 

Next thing I know, these two end up wrestling around on the floor and laughing, as Cassandra begins to describe her experience with the British couple. 

"Robbie said he felt faint, cuz we fucked him so hard!" Cassie blurted out. 

"Cassandra Leigh Goth!" I barked at her, trying to force a judgey-face but fighting off laughter at the same time. 

"Whaaaat?" She mewled at me. "You know how much I hate dick! I was only there for Carley."

"Will you be seeing these two again?" I asked, genuinely curious. 

Cassandra just smiled, and bucked Summer off her hips, before declaring that she had to go shower and change, she had a client booked for today. 

I was quite surprised. "Oh...Cassie, you have a booking for today!?" 

"Yes Ma'am. Some dude wants me to kick him in the balls." She abruptly replied, while Summer tickled her and they both laughed. 

"I have three booked for spankings Cassie." I remarked to her. 

"That's ok. He can go in the waiting room with the rest of them..."

 Amidst the renovations dear readers, we reinstated the dreaded waiting room. This time it is a bit more clinical, a bit more judicial, and housed in the cell-block area near the spanking court. Clients are booked in groups deliberately, to amplify their shame and humiliation, as they are made to wait for their session and listen to the sounds from down the hall, of wood and leather meeting bare flesh. 

Their stomachs will twist and sicken with butterflies, as fellow clients will ascend the stage to serve their mandatory cornertime at the conclusion of their sessions. 

Bondage and gags are used in the waiting area, along with spreader bars, to keep glistening female genitals spread and exposed to whomever is sitting across. Male's are spread also, to display the pathetic little nub of a chastity cage, that they are required to wear to their session.


Paul was looking down at the floor in shame and dread, but his attention was soon drawn to the central stage. A flushed and tear-streaked mature woman stood, hands on her head, buttocks still crimson from her recent trip over my knee. 

The soft, humiliating sobbing accompanying each of her laboured breaths, served as a stark reminder of what awaited those brave (or foolhardy) enough to seek out my unique form of therapy. Paul's own face burned with empathy as he gazed at the poor woman's spanked bottom. He however, was not here for a spanking.  

His attention was snapped from a mere daydream to his ultimate, fetish nightmare, as Miss Cassandra entered the room. Her saunter and swagger was a whirlwind of dark beauty and unapologetic attitude. 

Fishnet stockings, once the purview of retro pin-ups, seemed reborn on her toned, dancer's legs, paired with bitchy jean shorts and Converse all-stars, that gave her an air of rebellious nonconformity. 

Paul's penis twitched in the confides of its cage as she approached. He drank-in the stunning beauty of this gothic princess, turned Dominatrix.  

"It's time, Paul," she hissed, her nails like daggers, roving over his naked and vulnerable form. 

"I trust you're prepared to make some difficult choices today?" 

Paul nodded in the affirmative, as his restraints were unlocked. His arms and legs flexed in relief, though his gaze remained fixed on Miss Cassandra, mesmerized by the studied cruelty dancing in her eyes. The gag, still lodged in his mouth, was slowly withdrawn, that sent a reservoir of saliva and drool cascading down his chin. With a gentle tug on his collar and leash, Miss Cassandra guided him out of the waiting room and into the unknown depths of her lair.  

"Listen up, because I don't repeat myself. You want out of that chastity cage, the pathetic symbol of your inadequacy as male, than it's going to cost you." Her leather glove cupped and cradled his dangling balls, like a coiling serpent.

"Are you willing to take a full-force kick to the balls, just to experience the thrill of freedom?" The cold calculation in her expression made it clear that she didn't particularly care which option he chose; his suffering was merely a means to an end. 

Tears welled up in Paul's eyes, as the brutal simplicity of Miss Cassandra's proposal ravaged his fragile ego. The sting of her disdain for men, seeped into his pores, infecting him with a genuine fear. Yet, after a moment's hesitation, he politely asked her if she would kick him in the balls, if it meant his penis could be free from the cage. 

Miss Cassandra moved with purpose, securing a gag into his mouth and blindfolding him with a silky scarf. As he stumbled, disoriented, she positioned him in the middle of the room and removed his chastity cage. Cassandra scoffed in disgust and raised her arms like she was using "the force", as his penis sprung to life before her eyes. 

She ordered his legs splayed open with feet firmly planted on the floor, she ordered his hands behind his back, and the silence that followed was oppressive, punctuated only by Paul's ragged breathing and whimpers of what was imminently going to happen. 

Just as his penis reached a fully erected and offensive state, the little Converse all-star connected with thunderous force. WHAM! 

Paul dropped in a heap to the floor, his mind recoiled, registering the sensation of his scrotum essentially imploding. He choked and sputtered into the ball gag, before Cassandra eventually helped him to his feet and into a chair. 

Without gentleness, she guided him toward the bondage chair, its cold leather awaiting his surrender. The restraints were secured with practiced ease, his limbs arranged to showcase his ultimate vulnerabilities. Spread-eagled, his throbbing testicles dangled like ripe fruit, trembling with every twitch of fear. With his blindfold removed, he was forced to watch her unlace her tiny runners and cast them aside. 

Ever so slowly, she reached for a tall pair of Doc Martin boots, black and perfectly polished. As Paul watched on in horror, Miss Cassandra slowly and deliberately drew each lace through the brass eyelets before snugging the strands tightly. 

As Paul was released from the chair, his poor legs surrendered, dropping him to his knees in a posture of abject submission. 

"Mercy, please Mistress...don't make me choose that, anything but..." 

She merely raised an eyebrow, her cruelty unwavering as she outlined the terms of his next choice. 

"Silence! You've been given two options to consider: endure a kick from my Doc Martin's" - she paused to admire the weight of her heavy footwear, - "or, submit to a pegging up your slutty little asshole."  

"This way, no matter what you decide, you'll be fucked like the bitch you've proven yourself to be!" 

Mistress Andrea


Continued in: Sinister Intent




Anonymous said...

Well, that’s not something I’d opt for Mistress. ‘Mr C’

Paul @ WDM said...

I love the images for this story and how she doesn't waste any time before making him suffer. The image when she is wearing the socks between his legs seemed like a good time for her to make him kiss/worship her feet too, or that could always come later.

I would pick the hard kick in the balls before submitting to pegging. We both know she isn't done making him suffer yet. :)

Thank you for your creativity, and I'm flattered a slave has my name!

Mistress Andrea said...

Not content I usually have in my stories but this was a fan request. Stay tuned for the conclusion.

The Three D's of a FLR

Continued from:  The Struggle is Real A Sarah Jane story  As the timer chimed, signaling the end of Russell's cornertime, I set my book ...