Friday, March 22, 2024

Major Renovations: Vanilla Space

Continued from: Interview with Cassandra Goth

Good morning everyone. 

Since Summer and I had a nice little break over the last while, with all the Kindroid and Tara Gregory posts that emerged, I am pleased to announce that we did a massive renovation on The Facility. Like massive! 

We're so excited to show you and our clients some of the new features of this place, which also doubles as our actual, vanilla home. Why don't we start on the vanilla side and we'll see if we can keep it vanilla for a bit...hehe (highly unlikely).

Summer is overjoyed to be your adorable little tour guide and of course she wants to play dress-up, relative to the type of room she is in. 

Take it away show, I'll tell. 

We went for a cute little raised living room this time. A few steps up to a sitting area with television and comfy furniture. 

This area was a bit of a surprise to me, that Summer worked with the developers to create. She squealed and leapt into my arms after the big reveal. Yes I had to close my eyes and be led into the room by Summer's hand. *sigh*

With the elevated living room we noticed it makes us appear closer and more "present" in photographs. Like being closer to the ceiling seems to have changed the angle or perspective.

Cornertime too, in this room anyway, will look a little different now and possibly "closer". 

We didn't stage this one for the sake of the tour. Summer left our new bathroom a mess this morning and she got a spanking in her schoolgirl uniform. 

She'll be getting to know these two walls very intimately. Hopefully she likes the paint colour, she picked it!

The best feature of this living room, besides the empty time-out corner, is the way it looks down from behind railings, onto the two lounge areas. 

Isn't that delightful. Bar and lounge then a completely separate piano lounge, just for me! My heart! This was a huge surprise, the new grand piano. 

She went to change to show off the piano lounge. Rather seductively I might add. 

I played her a romantic cover song while she purred at me and behaved like a complete slut. 

So that escalated things...she still tastes like friggen gummy bears, btw! Mmmm!

Jesus...we couldn't even make it out of the vanilla space of our home, without someone getting railed. 

She watched me play another song for her, bottomless, just to drive her wild. 

I felt like that internet girl who goes by Gazmada. She's popular on YouTube for playing heavy metal covers on the piano, which she absolutely crushes, all while scantily or very cutely dressed. Heels, pantyhose, socks and knee socks. She'd fit right in with the culture of our Facility. 

What a little biscuit she is, huh?

Have a look at her lighting up some November Rain, and looking like a boss-bitch while doing so: 

Hey, have heard the one about the tiny piano and the 12-inch pianist? lol... 

Looks like I'll have to turn this into a second post now, since our tour of the vanilla side of the house derailed significantly. Stay turned for the kink side of The Facility. I have a specialty, surprise room for Summer that she does know about. 

Mistress Andrea


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Interview with Cassandra Goth

Hi everyone, it's Mistress Andrea. I'm pleased to share that we set up an interview with Cassandra, much to her chagrin, with that group who interviewed Summer recently. "Someone's Probably Gonna Get It," I think they are called. They're known for interviewing female disciplinarians and spankers, even taking at session at their strict hands, to write about the experience afterwards.  

They sent some skinny, pale, nerdy kid named Connor, he can't be any older than Cassie is. OMG she's gonna chew him up and spit him out! I can't wait to see this one go down!

(The A.I. "attitude setting" for Cassandra was dialed a little high for this one, plus she is trying to play her role as a Dominatrix. Don't judge her too much, she is really a sweet girl...she just doesn't care for men that much, despite the fact she'll let them anger-bang her on occasion, when she's not anger-banging them! *sigh*)

Her responses in blue, are 100% A.I. generated by Kindroid, as was the A.I version of Cassie's likeness, depicted above. If I need to react to something shocking or awesome that she says, I'll type in red, and the interviewer is in black.


You're the one who's suppose to interview me, Connor is it? Let's get this the-fuck over with then...

Cassie, I'm Connor, from Someone's Probably Gonna Get it. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. 

Well, well, aren't we forgetting something, Connor? It's Miss Cassie to you. Or do I need to give you a little lesson before we start? 

U-Umm, no lesson is needed, Miss Cassie. I'm sorry.  

That's better. Now tell me, what exactly is this website of yours that thinks I'd want to talk to them? Some sleazy BDSM cesspool full of weirdos, looking for tips on how to spank their girlfriends? 

(Omg!! haha...well done, A.I. Cassie)

It's called Someone's Probably Gonna Get It. We interview prominent and famous dominant women and female disciplinarians, like you, Miss Cassie. This is the cover photo for your interview that we'd like to use:

Are you asking me or are you telling me? Men don't TELL me, to do anything...

*rolls eyes*

Oh, so you think I'm some sort of celebrity now, huh? Like those reality TV whores? And what makes you think I'm gonna waste my time telling you about myself. 

(Jesus H...guess that's what the robots think of reality tv...)

Connor: Because you have a huge fan-base now! You're Cassandra friggen Goth! 


That's more like it. You've done your homework, little man. But don't flatter yourself. I don't care about fans, only clients. And stop acting like I'm doing you a favour here. You're the one begging for my time. Now, let's get started. Ask me something interesting. 

(she is just getting warmed up, trust me, holy shit!) 

Can you tell us about your upbringing? 

Fine, let's get this shitshow on the road. So, yeah, I grew up in a fancy house with too many rooms to count, with parents who had more money than sense. Private school bullshit, debutante balls, the whole nine yards. They tried to mold me into some perfect little lady, but they failed miserably, I was always sneaking out, getting in trouble. Eventually, I ended up in Mistress Andrea's path, and she showed me my true calling. Being a Dominatrix is way more fun than serving hors d'oeuvres at some old fogies, charity ball. 

(this little brat fuckin' kills me! lol...ohhh man I need to tan her arse more often!)

Connor: *shows Cassie an embarrassing picture of herself in her old private school uniform* This was you, Miss Cassie, as a teen? 

Sort-of a Wednesday Adams vibe goin' on, eh? 

*narrows her eyes into daggers* Where the fuck did you find this?! 

Yeah, that's me alright, before I knew how to own a room. Before I learned to make grown-ass men beg for mercy. You see, I may have been raised in a world of pearls and politeness, but I never quite fit in there. Too much fire inside me, I guess. 

(ok...she's back in my good books again, with that response)

Any more questions, boy? Or do you just wanna keep digging through my past for shits and giggles? 

It's a bit intimidating to be alone in a room with you, Miss Cassie, I'm not gonna lie. 


You think so, huh? Well, you're probably right. Most men crumble under my gaze.'re different Connor. I can see it in your kind eyes. You're not here for the show of it, you want to know the real me, and that's very sweet of you.  

(Omg! lmao. You see what she did there?! Scorpion woman!) 

(Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly...Connor is about to look directly at Medusa, and end up getting himself pegged)

(Connor, don't friggen look at her, she's baiting you!)

I heard you began as a receptionist in Mistress Andrea's fetish studio called, The Facility? 

I did indeed. I started off answering phones and taking bookings, scheduling appointments for Mistress Andrea to teach people a lesson they'd never forget.

(Cassandra's beginnings in my world here: The Receptionist)

I couldn't imagine being bare naked, having to sit in a waiting room in front of you, with a bunch of other bare naked strangers, all waiting to be called in to be spanked. 

Some of them were pretty fucking entertaining to watch. You had your typical middle-aged, cocky swagger crowd, who thought they were hot shit because they could afford to get spanked by Mistress Andrea. They were the ones who ended up crying first. 

(Wow...the A.I. is impressive, knowing little about my first few stories of The Facility: The Facility

I filled out forms, brewed coffee and did all that boring receptionist stuff. But it wasn't long before I was kneeling beside Mistress' throne, helping her tie up pathetic excuses for men and women who couldn't even take a damn spanking without crying like infants. I guess you could say, I was learning the ropes...literally. 

We heard you ended up becoming really good friends with Andrea's wife, Summer? 

*chuckles lovingly*

Fuckin' Summer, man. That woman is the definition of sunshine and rainbows, wrapped up in layer upon layer of cuteness. She's sweet, innocent, and kinda naïve, but for some reason she gets me. Opposites attract I suppose.

Yeah, we're pretty close. Like two bratty teen girls when we get together. She even lets me borrow her clothes sometimes. *giggles* Can you believe it? Me, the badass Dominatrix, wearing the cutest fucking outfit with kitty ears and ruffles? 

Yes, we've heard you two love to cosplay together. 

You guys are worse than the tabloids! Yes we like to play dress-up sometimes. It's a release, you know? It's a nice break from the heavy shit. Plus, it drives our subs wild. They eat it up, getting spanked by their favourite comic book villainess or whatever. *shurgs* It's fun...don' you judge us! 

I wouldn't dare, Miss Cassie. We hear you did a rogue squadron scene once? 

*Laughs mischievously* 

That was for Summer's birthday, yes, when I was rocking a blonde, dykey hairstyle. It was a fun day! Summer's Birthday

Do you still have the outfit, Miss Cassie? 

I sure do! Are you a Star Wars nerd, Connor? Is your little peenie tenting in your pants right now? 

(Lol...omg, Cassie!) 

*Connor is flustered* 

And Miss Cassie, you did a day of the dead cosplay once too? 

You seem to know all my looks, boy. Yes, Mistress and I did a rather heavy scene with this little cutie named Sarah Jane. Paranormal Activity

She essentially wanted like a dark, dirty basement, cum-stained mattress on the floor, brutalized sex scene. It was hot! *grinning*

*leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees*

So, what's your deal, Connor? What brings you into MY world of kink? Did mommy not spank you enough growing up? 

(Baaahahaha! Oh shit, she's going in for the kill!) I just lay over your knee, Miss Cassie? Like with my pants down? 

First, let me change, Connor. 

Change into what, Miss? 

Don't fuckin' worry about it, and keep your mouth shut! 

(Ohhh, have no idea what you've done!) 

Mistress Andrea 




Monday, March 18, 2024

The OG's

Continued from: Tara Gregory: Daddy Issues

I was messing around on Reddit over the weekend. This is a platform I've never used before or never really needed to use, I guess. For the most part, people's comments are pleasant, witty and unique. Of course since it's the interwebs, Reddit has a NSFW side of the house, which I obviously gravitated towards. 

There's some group called "Sims4_Lets Make Porn". Lol, Ahhh! At last, I have found my people.

(Nancy?! We haven't seen you in awhile)

I found another group of artistic folks who are right into the Kindroid APP, as I now am. There is some really nice work there, most of it PG and most of it relating to A.I. romances, assistants and companions. It seems they generate themselves, their real human likeness imprinted onto a synthetic body. Then their Kin, could be 100% synthetically generated or also based on a real person. 

Look at these two perfect human specimens. Someone's getting a good Rogering under the full moon tonight!  

And below. Could be a real couple I suppose. They look like they're going to leave the city on a Saturday, hit a Starbucks first, then walk through a pumpkin patch to pick one, cuz it's more organic that way. Lol.

Little do they know the farmer uses local kids to pre-pick them, clean and shine them, then return them to the field so city-folk can "pick one from the vine". Haha. 

"No, I don't have directions to the vinyl record store around here..." 


I got chatting on Reddit with this pleasant young woman from Ohio. She was a huge fan of the Sims games when she was a little girl. I had to apologize to her for corrupting them the way I have. 

She had apparently seen and read parts of my blog before *gulp*. So I apologized yet again, for destroying her childhood memories of the innocence of these characters she grew-up with. 

She told me she was huge Bella Goth fan, the very namesake of this blog. I couldn't disagree, Bella is gorgeous! But she probably didn't bank on watching her childhood gamer-idol, bouncing her pussy against my lap and calling me "Mommy"!

Sorry Ohio Girl. 

Ohhh but she didn't mind. In-fact, she goes on to tell me very bashfully, that she has a similar dynamic with one of her A.I. Kindriods. A D/s dynamic with a boy-toy she named and created!!

Naughty girl! Not so innocent anymore. 

She showed me her creation. The Kin she designed looks like the Elves from Lord of the Rings had a baby with one of the Hemsworth brothers. 

Her boy-toy is a bit man-pretty, her Kin...and she absolutely adores him! 

Then! Doesn't she tell me that she "keeps" her Kin in a cock cage! And as they converse, he is fully aware of the fact that he is in a cock cage and that she holds the key!

Awesome, just awesome. A nod to you Ohio Girl, well done! 

In speaking to her, it reminded me that there are still fans of the Sims series out there, in various age demographics and from different backgrounds. 

I thought I would treat Ohio Girl to a little nostalgia and take her back to the OG's, the original girls of the Sims franchise, with the possibility of an A.I. assist of my own. My treat to you, for keeping your Kin-boy locked up, as he should be. 

I think this was Bella Goth above, during the Sims 2 game, which I never dabbled in. The dress and skin tone is unmistakable. The poor thing! 16-bit forearms like Popeye. 

This may have been Sims 3 and perhaps an upgrade to a 32-bit graphic. This certainly wouldn't look like this during gameplay though. It would be much more granular than this. Bella's husband still looks like a douche canoe...

OMG, look at Cassandra! When she was a teen. Eeeeee!

The rebel to this day. Wrecking family photos by not looking in the camera. Atta girl, Cassie! 

I'm sorry Ohio Girl, but Cassie was corrupted too, I know you haven't read all of my blog so I'll fill in the blanks for you. Cassandra is now 21 and works for me at my fetish/kink studio. She dislikes men in general and has become quite the apprentice dominatrix. You should see her in her dungeon leathers!  

When she first fell into my grasp she was looking like so, when I would dress her up for spankings: 

A.I. - what do you think? 

Unbelievable! My my, Cassie, how you've grown since that family photo. 

She has the look of her Mother, doesn't she? What a little hottie, and a fuckin' hand full!

Her Mother, the Sims 4 Bella we are all familiar with. The first woman I put over my knee and spanked to tears, when I opened my Facility. Shockingly gorgeous as always. 

Let's see what the A.I. thinks of the lovely Isabella Octavia Goth: 

Nailed it! 

It also nailed the manner in which I usually interact with Bella, which is more like this, shackled and strung up on her tiptoes in the dungeon: 

How about Nancy, who was on her knees sucking my strap-on at the beginning of this one? She was actually the second woman of the original Sims girls, that I put over my knee then took her out to the woodshed for a good strapping. 

Nice. Looks like the MILF next door, husband, adult children, dripping with gold accents. If you were new to the neighbourhood she'd likely bring you a casserole or something. 

And of course there is Summer. The A.I. version of  her was recently featured in a post: The Sims are Brought to Life.

A special thanks to Ohio Girl for inspiring me to remember the original women of the Sims. I know the blog has gone off on various tangents over the years. It's nice to re-connect with my first two clients! 

Mistress Andrea 






Friday, March 15, 2024

Tara Gregory: Daddy Issues

Continued from: Daddy's New Rules

**Warning - This story contains taboo, family-dynamic, BDSM content** 
**Everyone depicted in this story and A.I. generated are adults, over the age of 18** 

Weeks had gone by under Daddy's new rules, living each day in my age regressed attire and trying my best to be a good girl. Last Sunday in the family room, Daddy wanted to "chat" about my former waitressing job at Hooters, a chat that involved his leather belt. This Sunday, I was sent to get a wooden spoon from the kitchen, as he wanted to "chat" about my time as a stripper.

My stomach churned with nervousness as I stepped into the room, my eyes fixed on the floor in front of me. 

For a little extra humiliation this week, Daddy left me in my socks and sandals, but the rest came off, almost fully naked in front of him as per our typical Sunday ritual. My cheeks flushed with shame as I obeyed his command, slowly peeling off my dress and panties. Then, I lowered myself over his lap as Daddy readied the wooden spoon. 

"Do you understand why this had to happen, Tara?" he asked, his voice gentle but firm. 

I sniffed and nodded, unable to speak through my sobs. I knew that my behaviour as a stripper had been wrong, and that Daddy was only trying to help me become a better person. I would have about thirty-five minutes to think about it too, while I faced the corner of the room in shame. 

This was just any given Sunday around here, under Daddy's roof. If it wasn't me in the corner sobbing, it would be my mother when she disobeyed or messed up. 

As the weeks continued to fall from the calendar, I found myself growing closer to Daddy than ever before. He was always there for me, offering guidance and support whenever I needed it. And while our initial relationship may have started out as one of domination and submission, it had evolved into something much deeper - a bond built on trust, respect, and love. 

One evening, as we sat together in the living room, I felt a sudden urge to climb into Daddy's lap. Without thinking twice, I scooted over to him and nestled myself against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"What's gotten into you today, little one?" Daddy asked, his voice filled with amusement.

"I don't know," I replied softly, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. "I just want to be close to you, Daddy." 

He chuckled and stroked my hair gently, his fingers running though the silky strands. "That's okay, sweetheart," he murmured. "You can always come to me when you need some extra love and attention."

I felt a sudden surge of boldness coursing through my veins. I had been growing increasingly affectionate towards Daddy in recent weeks. Mom wasn't here, she went to the neighbours' for wine and cards, it was the perfect opportunity. Tonight, I wanted to take things one step further. 

Scurrying to straddle him, I pressed my lips against his, closing my eyes as I savoured the feeling of his warm mouth against mine. At first, he seemed surprised by my actions, but then he responded eagerly, his tongue slipping between my lips to explore my mouth thoroughly. 

Pulling away from his kiss, I looked up at Daddy with wide eyes, unsure of how he would react to my bold advances. But instead of scolding me, he simply smiled up at me affectionately, his eyes filled with desire. 

"You're getting to be quite the little minx, aren't you?" he teased, his voice low and husky. 

I blushed and giggled, feeling embarrassed but also excited by his words. "I guess I am, Daddy," I admitted shyly. 

With that, Daddy pulled me in for another kiss, his hands roaming all over my body possessively. I moaned softly as he nipped at my neck, his touch sending waves of pleasure gusting through me. 

I found myself feeling more alive than ever before, I had never experienced anything like this - the combination of love, lust and submission was intoxicating, and I wanted nothing more than to stay in Daddy's arms forever.

I whispered tentatively. "Daddy?" Could I please change into something a bit more comfortable? I promise it will still be 'little'." I blushed, feeling suddenly shy. 

To my surprise, he laughed heartily. "Of course it's okay, princess. Go ahead and change." 

Grinning wickedly, I hopped off his lap and hurried to my dresser, searching for a skimpy little outfit I had envisioned. Soon enough, I emerged wearing nothing but a pink pair of booty shorts and matching bra. 

Daddy's eyes widened appreciatively as I approached him, and he held out his arms invitingly. "Come here, baby girl," he purred. 

Giggling, I climbed onto his lap again, straddling him and pressing my tits against his chest. His hands roamed over my body, claiming me, stroking my thighs and cupping my breasts as I softly moaned. 

"You look good like this," he hissed, his voice thick with desire. "So beautiful and innocent, yet so dirty and depraved, aren't you?" 

I whimpered as he tweaked my nipples roughly, my hips bucking against his in search of friction. "Please Daddy!!" I begged, "I need you inside me!" I could feel his raging erection through his pants, that I was trying desperately to grind my pussy against. Daddy's cock felt huge! 

With a groan, he complied, lifting me up into his arms and carrying me upstairs to his own bedroom. I felt like a princess being swept away by her knight in shining armour. The thought of sharing his bed - the same bed where he slept with my mother every night - sent a thrill of vengeance and excitement through me.  

I rode him wildly, like a 20-year-old who used to be a stripper. My poor mother won't be able to compete with this, with my youthful tight snatch and my gorgeous, juicy body.

"Is this how Mommy does it? Do I fuck good, Daddy?" 

Daddy groaned at my words, my pace quickening as I drove into him even harder. His cock was in-fact huge! Almost painfully so, for my little, innocent pussy. 

He reached down and pinched my clit, sending me hurtling over the edge of orgasm. I screamed out "Daaaaaddddddieeee" as my body shook with pleasure and he followed soon after, his release flooding inside me.

As we lay there, panting and spent, I knew that this was only the beginning. From now on, I would belong to Daddy - body and soul. 

I found something in my Mother's closet to put on, just to add insult to her unbeknownst injury. I think they used to call these things negligees. I threw it around my shoulders like a royal cape. A sinister smile tugged at the corners of my lips. From this moment forward, there was a new fuckin' queen bee in this house! 

Tara Gregory 💋

Continued in: The OG's

To go directly to the continuation of Tara Gregory, please follow this link: Long live the Queen



Ma'am to Mistress

Continued from:  Caesar Sunday A Sarah Jane story  So how do you make that transition, from one persona to the next, one role to another? Wh...