Pinch Hitter

Continued from: Quality Control

Sorry for going M.I.A. for a bit folks. I went and got fuckin' COVID!! 

Thrice vaccinated. I take all precautions during this time of year and hand-wash always. I haven't been around any silver-sleeved, greasy children...I dunno where the hell I got it from. 

I was mainly just tired and cold. I had body aches. *pout*

I noticed Russell and Sarah posted a few times. It sounds like she is being kept on a very short leash over there. This is good, she needs that. A room specifically for the whipping of her soles, her asshole, her tits! Omg I love it. She's 100% correct though, about Russell's quality control and OCD. It rubbed-off on me back in the day too. If I ever caught Summer with a run in her hose, oh boy I'd roast her bare ass until she couldn't sit!

Anyway. Let me share with you what also happened during this COVID stint of mine. I'm all better now btw. When I was down and out I had an out-of-town client booked for a dual-Domme session. Dual Domme sessions are very expensive and my client was planning to drive over four hours just to be abused by Summer and I. Plus, I keep him in a chastity cage 24/7 and usually he earns his unlocking when he books with me, once every few months. I couldn't cancel on him. I would have felt so bad. 

Four hours away, leading his vanilla life with a locked-up penis. I think he has been denied for at least 10 weeks. I'd say he was very much looking forward to this session.  

You know when you get an idea to fix a problem of some kind and you know the fix will work, but you also know it's a bad idea, right off the bat? 

Speaking of's the bad idea:

Look at her! Resting pissed right off face! 

So, I ended up telling my client that I was down with the sniffles, his name is Jeremy btw. I asked Jeremy if he'd be ok with a pinch hitter to replace me. Summer would still be present, I reassured him, then I began to tell him a little about Cassandra. I think he liked hearing that she was only 21. He probably didn't hear me mention that she's a bit...ummm, aggressive, toward men. 

Silly male. Only thinking with his locked-up dick. Jeremy ended up not cancelling his appointment. In-fact, he quite excitedly and hastily sent his deposit and bode me some get-well-soon pleasantries. 

Be careful what you wish for you silly male submissive. Here's bad idea number two! Summer and Cassie together. 

Regardless of what they're doing they end up just feeding off one-another and working themselves into a frenzy. Every one here at The Facility, clients included, all have safewords. All I can say is good luck to you Jeremy, use your words if you need to!

On the day of the session, the girls were suited-up and getting into character. They looked great, especially in contrast to my hot-mess of a condition. Jeremy was almost here and like the coach of sports team, I was giving Summer and Cassie a little maternal pep-talk. 

I think it went something like: 

"Cassandra Leigh! Look at me...Don't break him! He's a good client and he's paying a grotesque amount of money for this. That goes for you too, Summer Addison!" 

Of course the two of them just giggled at my cautionary warnings. You see, with Cassandra, she won't physically break down a man with a whip, she'll crawl right inside his mind and emotionally defeat him. Horrible predicaments that fuck with your mind, echoes of being sexually inadequate ringing in your ears and constant reminders of having a small, useless penis, even if you don't. That's Cassie's M.O. 

Summer on the other hand, is much more of an implement wielder. She'll handle the physical part, as Cassandra emotionally tortures. What have I unleashed here...?

It's like A.I. destroying humanity. I had put a series of events into motion that I couldn't undo. The genie was out of the bottle. 

I'm sorry Jeremy, be a brave boy for Mommy! Cuz you're fucked! 


To be continued...

Mistress Andrea

Continued in: He's so Screwed!



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