Monday, September 9, 2024

A Minor Annoyance

Continued from: Now you may call me, Ma'am

A Sarah Jane story 

It had been a few days since Russell and I signed our female-led-relationship contract, and things were going smoothly so far. His chastity cage was locked securely in place, a constant reminder of my authority. I predominately work from home so I take great pleasure knowing Russell leaves the house in the morning locked, and returns home locked, as both keys to the device in my possession, behind an additional layer of security he does not know the combination to. 

I also made some small changes around the house while he was at work, to reflect our new dynamic - a vase of wooden spoons and spatulas sat prominently on the kitchen counter now, implements of opportunity to be accessed at a moment's notice. 

One of MY belts, not his, now hung from the back of our bedroom door, a silent sentinel, watching over things. 

On my dresser, my sturdy wooden hairbrush was displayed like a trophy, and my rubber-soled slippers waited patiently by the bedroom door. 

Each item represented a tool of feminine dominance and maternal correction, yet I hadn't had cause to use them...yet, and we had not made it to a maintenance Sunday...yet. 

As the days passed, I found myself growing increasingly eager to feel Russell squirming over my lap, his bare bottom turning red under my firm hand. The anticipation was building, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I would need to assert my dominance with a thorough spanking. 

On a random Tuesday, after Russell left for work, I made my way to the kitchen, eager for my morning coffee. However, as I approached the Keurig, I was met with an irritating sight. The water reservoir was bone dry, and Russell's used pod remained in the machine. Very poor Keurig etiquette if I do say so myself. Right up there with someone microwaving maple oatmeal or fish, in the communal workplace microwave. 

There's just unwritten rules in a society, right? 

A wave of minor annoyance washed over me, quickly replaced by a spark of excitement. This was the perfect opportunity to exercise my authority and remind Russell of his place in our dynamic. 

I reached for my phone, snapping a picture of the empty reservoir and offending spent pod. With a smirk playing on my lips, I composed a message to send to Russell at work. 

"This is how you left it for me?" I typed, attaching the incriminating photo. 

My thumb hovered over the send button for a moment, savouring the anticipation of his reaction. This little infraction would provide the ideal excuse for the spanking I had been itching to administer, and I couldn't wait to see Russell's face when he realizes the consequences of his actions. 

As I hit send on the initial message, a wicked grin spread across my face. I knew Russell would be in some high-touch meeting with the executives, squirming in his seat at work, anxiously awaiting my next communication. I decided to twist the knife a little further, my fingers dancing across the screen as I composed a follow-up text. 

"We're going to have a little 'chat' when you get home, young man," I typed, my tone dripping with mock disappointment. I could almost hear the nervous gulp and imagine the look on his face amidst his senior leaders and peers, his stomach twisting into knots and wondering if the rest of them knew he'll be getting a spanking tonight. The thought of him spending the entire day dreading our impending discussion filled me with a great sense of power and anticipation. 

As the day wore on, I found myself growing more and more excited for Russell's return. I wanted to set the perfect scene for our little chat, so I took great care in selecting my outfit. I chose a vintage 1950s, housewife dress that hugged my curves, pairing it with delicate pearls, bold red lipstick, and sheer hosiery that accentuated my legs. I slipped into a pair of sky-high heels, the click against the hardwood floor filing me with a sense of power and confidence. 

I surveyed my reflection in the mirror - a perfect blend of classic femininity and modern dominance. Turning my attention to the vase of wooden spoons on the kitchen counter, I carefully selected the one that would serve as my instrument of correction. I left it resting in the vase, a silent threat waiting to be unleashed. 

As the sound of Russell's car pulling into the driveway reached my ears, I positioned myself near the entrance, a warm smile playing on my lips. Despite the welcoming façade, we both knew the truth - in this household, I was the one in charge, and Russell was about to receive a firm reminder of that fact. 

We exchanged pleasantries, our voices light and casual, as if nothing were amiss. However, I could see the flicker of recognition in his eyes as he took in my dramatic appearance - the cinched waist of my vintage dress, the shimmering pearls at my throat, the towering heels that elevated me above him both physically and metaphorically. 

I watched as his gaze drifted past me, widening slightly as he noticed the straight-backed, armless chair positioned in the center of the living room. The absence of our usual coffee table was a glaring omission, replaced by this ominous piece of furniture that seemed to dominate the space. 

My voice was calm yet commanding as I issued my order. "Strip," I demanded, my eyes boring into his. "I want you completely naked, right down to that locked up cock of yours." Piece by piece, his clothing fell away, revealing his vulnerable form. 

He stood and lowered his eyes before me, utterly exposed save for the chastity cage that encased his manhood. I nodded towards the corner by the front door. "Go stand there and think about why we need to have a chat tonight," I directed, my tone still calm but strict. "Hands behind your head, nose to the walls." Obediently, Russell assumed the position, his bare skin prickling with goosebumps. 

Even though our FLR contract was signed several days ago with rules and consequences set, I was vague enough to use the term punishment generically. I had not dug deep into the different forms this could take. Russell knows all of this anyway, but I thought I would flex my dominance and humiliate him even further, by plainly explaining his current predicament. 

"Cornertime is an integral part of our discipline routine, young man," I matter-of-factly explained, my voice steady and authoritative. "Before and after every spanking, you will be positioned in a designated corner of my choosing, bare-bottomed and nose to the wall." 

"Pre-spanking cornertime allows you to contemplate your misdeeds and anticipate your impending punishment. Post-spanking cornertime provides and opportunity for reflection, to feel shame and acceptance of your corrected state while on humiliating display to the rest of the room." 

"During cornertime, you are forbidden from speaking, fidgeting, or attempting to cover your reddened bottom, young man. The duration of your timeouts will be determined by the severity of your offense and my discretion." 

I paused for a moment before continuing my preachy monolog, taking in the sight of his trembling form in the corner. It was a lovely view from my perspective. 

"A common length for your cornertime, young man, typically will range from fifteen minutes to one hour, depending on the circumstances. For minor infractions or routine maintenance spankings, I will usually be giving you a quarter-hour of contemplation both before and after the punishment."

"However, for more serious transgressions or particularly intense discipline sessions, I may extend the cornertime up to sixty minutes on either side of the spanking." 

I knew from my own experiences to always use a timer, and that the unpredictable duration adds an element of psychological tension, which will keep Russell on edge and fully focused on his penance. 

With my rant complete and my fifteen minute timer nearing its end, I stood and heel-clicked out of the room and into the kitchen. I reached for the wooden spoon from the vase and made certain Russell could hear me clanking it from the glass and against the other wooden utensils. 

Its weight was solid and reassuring in my palm, I knew that this was only the beginning of the lesson I had in store for my naughty little "boy". 

Sarah Jane 💟

Continued in: The Struggle is Real



Anonymous said...

Wow. I guess when the muse hits you strike early and often? I think this is the third story part today! Anyway, since she's not really angry at him BUT at the same time she's been itching to get started and wants to make an impression (I guess to make it easier for him to accept her as the boss being that it is outside his experience of her) I think this will be the equivalent of a very hard 'maintenance' spanking, meaning just one step below out and out punishment. And who knows how he will react given that I think it's been a few years at least since he was last punished, maybe even a few more since he was last spanked, since while Andrea does spank she also has so many other punishments she likes to use both corporal and non.
I look forward to finding out how this 'first spanking' goes. In a way I'm glad. I was worried : I thought she'd rush into a zillion or more dominant practices and punishments, (Whips, chains, CBT, caging or otherwise restraining, sensory deprivation, predicament bondage...some of this stuff takes training to perform and is a bit dangerous) instead she's focusing more on FLR rather than "Femdom" like in a dungeon, and mostly domestic discipline. And to my personal pleasure given the predominance of spanking in the contract I suspect she'll never dump that practice entirely: she likes it too much even though she'll surely add at least a few more 'kinks' before all is said and done. Still, she should have her own style that isn't Andrea and isn't Russell and isn't any of the various other Dommes or Doms we've encountered. I suspect she'll be more like Strict Julie as a Domme and will act sort of like mother/disciplinarian/friend/dominant girlfriend? (unlike Julie she's not a wife...yet) rather than a Goddess or slave owner or femdom pro or 'performer'. But only time...and maybe you...know for sure.


Anonymous said...

In my FLR relationship, my wife I must call Mommy when a spanking is needed. Naughty little boys are spanked. I have to kneel before her naked, masturbate onto a towel prior to a spanking. Have stood naked facing the corner prior to a spanking. Worse is waiting for the spanking, and not always her giving the spanking. Visiting her Mother for the week, one morning coming out of the shower, the look on my wife face said I was in trouble. Told to dry off, wait in the bedroom, standing, naked, hands at side. Not here I pleaded, your in enough trouble. She left the room, when the door opened it was my mother-in-law holding a large hairbrush. The spanking I got was worse than my wife's and the walk naked to the front room being spanked along the way was the worse. So as you see in this FLR relationship it is more than my wife/mommy who addresses my behavior. Jack

Mistress Andrea said...

I think Sarah's approach will be very much like Miss Julie. Sarah has read all of her work, as have I.

Mistress Andrea said...

Yikes...spanking after cumming. All the desire and passion for kink and BDSM, leaving the body and onto a towel. It must make the spanking that much more "real" and less of a fantasy?

Anonymous said...

The spanking is Real. my wife who I must call Mommy when as she calls it I've been a naughty little boy and need what naughty little boys need a sound spanking. Over her lap, my bare bottom feeling the sting of her hand I kick, squirm, plead, try to cover my bottom, nothing works,hand is secured across the back and my bare bottom is soundly spanked. When a very naughty little boy Mommy using the bath brush, I will stand in the corner, and will then have to put on my jammies, no matter time of day, and will go to bed early. Jack

Tucked In by "Mommy"

Continued from:  A Special Bedtime for Russell A Sarah Jane story  "Now, be a good girl and bring the plug and lubricant to Mommy,"...