Monday, September 9, 2024

Sign Here, Initial There

Continued from: What do you say?

A Sarah Jane story 

The morning light filters gently through the curtains as we stir awake, our bodies still tangled in the aftermath of last night's explorations. I feel Russell shift beside me, his lips already forming the words "Good morning, Ma'am." But I silence him with a single finger pressed to his lips, my eyes locking with his. "No, not yet," I murmur softly, a small smile playing at the corners of my mouth. His eagerness to address me by a formal title is endearing, a clear indication that we're on the right track. But there is still work to be done, boundaries to establish, and roles to solidify. 

 Gently pulling away from his embrace, I sit up, stretching cutely before turning to face him once more. "Go make me a coffee, please," I instruct, my voice firm yet affectionate. "And bring it to the upstairs office. You'll wait for me there, understood?" He nods, his eyes wide and attentive, hanging on my every word. "Oh, and one more thing," I add, my gaze trailing appreciatively over his naked form. "You'll remain in your underpants only while you wait. I want easy access to what is mine." 

A faint blush colours his cheeks at my words, but he doesn't hesitate, rising from the bed and padding off to fulfill my request. 

I rise from the bed, taking a moment to select a suitable outfit for this occasion. Something powerful, yet feminine; authoritative, yet alluring.  

As I stand before the mirror, surveying my reflection, I can't help but feel a surge of power coursing through me. The lace panties leave little to the imagination, the delicate, sheer fabric clinging to my curves like a second skin. The corset cinches my waist, emphasizing my hourglass figure, while the intricate lacing at the back hints at the restraint and control that is about to define our dynamic. 

And the heels, those glorious sky-high heels, elevate me both literally and figuratively, adding inches to my height and cementing my status as the dominant force in this relationship. 

I retrieve the ottoman from the end of my bed and pull it across the hall into the office. There, I position it carefully, creating an impromptu queening stool. I go back to my room to collect my laptop, as I hear the soft pad of Russell's bare feet approaching, followed by the rustle of fabric as he settles himself in the chair I indicated, to await my arrival. 

A slow smile spreads across my face as I picture him there, his nearly naked form a testament to his submission, his eagerness to please me in every way. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders, lifted my chin, and strode towards the office door. Each click of my heels against the hardwood floor is a declaration of intent, a warning of the power that approaches. 

I allow him a moment to appreciate the view, to let the reality of his position sink in, before crossing to the desk and setting down my laptop with a deliberate thud. Turning to face him fully, I meet his eyes, my own burning with intensity of my desire, my need to claim him utterly and completely. 

"Well, young man," I purr, my voice a sultry invitation and a stern command all at once. "Shall we begin?" 

With a flick of my wrist, I gesture for Russell to approach the ottoman, my makeshift throne. His eyes widen slightly as he takes in the leather restraints dangling from my fingertips, but he doesn't hesitate, holding out his wrists to me. 

Once secured to the ottoman, I give the restraints a final tug, ensuring there's no give, no escape from the fate I have planned for him. With a graceful movement, I settle myself onto the ottoman, lowering my barely-clad bum onto his upturned face. 

The deliberately selected panties were ultra-sheer, he is so close, but teased by the delicate shrouding of fabric. I can feel the brush of his nose against my bottom-hole, a delicious tease that sends shivers of pleasure rippling through my core.

To a fly on the wall, the situation would appear like so: 

Leaning forward, I reach for my coffee, brining the mug to my lips and inhaling deeply, savouring the rich aroma before taking a sip. 

Setting the mug aside, I turn my attention to my laptop, my fingers flying over the keys as I begin to type. 



1. The Dominant party, Sarah Jane, henceforth referred to as, "the Mistress."

2. The submissive party, Russell, henceforth referred to as "the submissive." 

3. The contract shall span a minimum duration of six months, during which time both parties shall fully commit to their respective roles

4. The details agreed upon in this contract cannot be changed, removed or edited until the maturity date of the contact, six months from the date in which it was signed by both parties.

5. Once signed and all sections have been initialed by both parties, the submissive shall only ever address the Mistress as "Mistress", "Ma'am" or "Mommy", as per her discretion.

6. Once signed and all sections have been initialed by both parties, the contract will be in effect immediately. 


I really need to get me one of these for the office. This is going to be a very long document!

Sarah Jane 💟


Anonymous said...

Wow. I thought she'd explore it a little bit at a time. As experienced as she is as a sub (and she knows dominants well so has some idea of their thoughts and challenges) this is sort of like jumping a little too fast into the lake after your first swim lesson isn't it? Is she sure she doesn't even want to SEE "Daddy" again (I am talking about Russell as 'daddy' ) for six whole months? I was sort of imagining this lasting a day or two. Both her and him finding they LIKED it and then working it in perhaps a minority of the time each month (cuz I've always imagined her as, at best, more sub than domme and I say that with regret as I like dommes a bit better being more sub myself) and they would both be 'switches' and hopefully make each other very happy.
I'm not OPPOSSED to this, don't get me wrong ..I would love to see several stories involving her and him under this contract, and I really hope with the help of Andrea and others she can maybe pull it off. As for the contract so far, I'm liking it and I see plenty of room for humiliation what with the 'mommy' esp. I hope she makes him call her that if he's ever naughty enough to earn (for punishment) a public or semi public spanking from her. Bonus if she gets him to cry and treats him like a little boy for awhile. Cornertime, some scolding maybe some hugs and kisses for those tears. (I have a thing for mommydommes who can be both mean AND nurturing all too often they fall into one or the other categories, usually the later. ) Sure she's sexy, but she's also sweet and cute and he's always known her as a sub , often HIS sub for quite a while at that. So any kind of mild regression would be kind of humiliating for him if other people were to see 'cute little Sarah Jane' treating him that way, whether it was a scene or agreed upon discipline under the contract. He'd probably like it though, even if did blush for awhile. It's always (at least to me) nice to have kind aftercare after a punishment.
I look forward to seeing what else she puts in there, though I do hope he gets some input and I hope nothing is ever forced, esp sexual stuff.
Well, it's up to you. Six months in story could go by and we could never get a single Sarah Jane/Russell story out of it or maybe at most one or two. And of course six months story time could be one month r/t or one or two years if you feel like really into that. After all, that doesn't preclude Russell from having other subs when his new Mistress allows it , or Sarah Jane from being temporarily demoted by Andrea as punishment (Sarah is still going to be submissive to her I'm sure) or having some other guy Dom her when she finds she needs that. What I'm saying is that if Sarah Jane isn't forced to be Mistress or Mommy every hour of every day for six months and if Russell isn't forced to be nothing but a sub to anyone for all that time, this might be more likely to work both for them and for you as the writer. If this works out I could honestly see them as a 'couple', exclusive or not. (I suspect there'd be room for woman on woman action, but I don't think Russell would ever want to be a sexless cuckold, (So chastity with him couldn't be absolute) and he'd probably rather not share her private areas with another man either)
Just my thoughts,


Mistress Andrea said...

As you've come to know, most of these characters are intertwined in some way and I'm sure will cross paths again. Sarah is laser focused on this FLR and ensuring he doesn't try to top from the bottom.

Tucked In by "Mommy"

Continued from:  A Special Bedtime for Russell A Sarah Jane story  "Now, be a good girl and bring the plug and lubricant to Mommy,"...