Listening to Mom get Spanked
Continued from: Cassandra Checks her Mother into the Facility
After Cassandra left my office and propped the door open, I told Bella she was going to be getting a spanking today, not that this was a surprise to her, it's what she booked her appointment for. I always like to say it out loud though, before the soon-to-be-spanked individual is sent for a childish timeout. The word "spanking" can then reverberate in their mind as they park their nose in the corner and tremble in anticipation.
Yesterday morning, I picked up an e-copy of Miss Julie's long awaited book! I was so excited to give it a read, maybe garner some inspiration for my sessions. Thus far it has been a real page-turner, super strict and I absolutely love the dynamic of a domestic discipline relationship. Everything else that goes on between the brutally spanked bare bums, is just 100% lezzie-dommey yumminess!
While Bella did her cornertime, I got out my tablet and continued to read. I would highly recommend picking up a copy, it's hot!
Strict Miss Julie's NEW BOOK!!
With the office door left open, Cassandra could literally hear everything, which was exactly her plan.
Her mother, Bella, a corporate career woman well into her forties, was about to be spanked like a child, while dressed like one too. Her humiliation would be brutal, knowing full-well her daughter will hear everything playing out.
She listened to her mother's scolding, under the strict gaze of Mistress Andrea. She pictured her mom standing before Mistress' desk, looking down at her knee socks and Mary Janes, shamed and embarrassed with tears beginning to flow more freely.
Cassandra heard her mother being called a naughty little schoolgirl, which made Cassie giggle in delight from her reception desk. Poor Edward, from his extremely vulnerable predicament in the lobby, was collateral damage to Cassie's little door-opening plan. He'll have the tummy-churning misfortune of having to listen to what he'll be up for next.
Mistress could be heard continuing her scolding, shaming Bella for how extremely short her school-skirt was.
It didn't take long before the loud echo of a slaps began, the sharp cracks of a firm palm meeting a plump, fleshy bare bum.
Cassandra entered into an agreement with Mistress (Monday Maintenance). As part of this agreement, she is subject to maintenance spankings every Monday. She knows Mistress Andrea's style and application of discipline quite well now. She guessed that her mom's bum had just been bared and that she was receiving a long warm-up on her naked ass.
Eventually Bella would be separated from her little plaid skirt entirely, panties too, remaining in only her vulnerable knee socks and doll-style heels.
Cassandra heard Mistress hiss out a *tsk tsk* verbal scold, followed by the words, "absolutely shameful young lady!"
Cassandra wondered if her mother at this very moment, was crossing her ankles and clamping her thighs together, to hide the involuntary arousal. Cassandra blushed a little, realizing that it happens to her too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess.
"Yikes, that sounds like a wooden ruler, Edward." Cassie said aloud, grinding the knife in a little further to the poor client, who could only whimper through is ball gag, pull at his binds and listen.
Cassandra could now hear her mom beginning to beg and plead with Mistress, while crying out that she's sorry and that she'll be a good girl. This was followed by a more robust and deeper smacking noise.
She glanced once again at Edward. "School paddle", she said, while the corners of her lips turned upward into a devious grin.
Before long there was silence coming from the office, followed by the powerful clicks of high-heels, approaching the lobby waiting area.
Mistress was dragging a sobbing and sheepish Bella by the bicep, marching her to the stage beside Cassie's desk to be publicly displayed for her cornertime.
"Twenty minutes on the timer for Mrs. Goth please, Cassandra", Mistress ordered.
"Yes Ma'am". Cassandra replied.
"Bring this young man to my office in ten minutes please Cassie".
"Of course Ma'am", she sharply replied.
Once Edward had be taken to Mistress' office for his spanking, Cassandra returned to her desk and began to speak to her mother.
"Is Dad still away on the business trip?" Cassie softly spoke.
Bella turned to her, and before having an opportunity to speak, her daughter snapped at her and stood.
"Keep your hands behind your head mother! You have seven minutes left in your timeout, you're not to move".
"Yes, your Father is still out of the country", Bella said, having returned to her humiliating position with her nose against the wall.
"Is Alex with Grandma still?" Cassandra asked (Alexander is Cassandra's younger brother).
"Yes he is Cassie, why are you asking me things right now?" Bella was starting to sound irritated that her daughter was having a casual conversation with her while she was in timeout, with her crimson-red, bare bottom displayed.
"Because Mother, I will not be returning the clothing you arrived in. I want you to leave the Facility when your cornertime is done and drive home dressed as you are, in my old school uniform".
"Cassie NO!" Bella whined out. "The neighbours!!"
"I will tell Mistress Andrea if you do not obey me, now what are you expected to say, when given instruction?"
"Yes", Bella reluctantly peeped out.
"Yes what, Mother?" Cassandra snipped.
"Yes Miss Cassandra", Bella spoke, now fully mortified.
"That's better Mother. I finish at 2:00 o'clock today and will be home around 2:15. At 2:00PM sharp I want you waiting for me in the corner of the living room, is that understood?"
Confused about what her intentions were or what she was planning, Bella simply obeyed again.
"Yes Miss Cassandra".
The room was once again silent and five minutes later, the ding of a timer chimed out, causing Bella to jump slightly.
"Alight Mother, take down your arms and you may rub, your time is up". Cassandra spoke. "I'll go get your skirt and your panties for you".
Bella and Cassandra did not say another word to one another, as Bella slipped back into her panties and extremely short kilt. She opened the front door and scanned the sidewalks for any potential onlookers, before scurrying down the steps and quickly into her car.
Bella had to wait in her idling vehicle, in her driveway for a period of time, as one of her neighbours was outside mowing the lawn.
When the neighbour finally ducked into his garage to put the mower away, Bella made a bead for it and made it into her house, presumably not being seen.
Bella remained in her daughter's schoolgirl uniform, as she was told to do. She knew she would be punished if Cassandra had to report any disobedience to Mistress Andrea.
When 2:00PM closed in, Bella reluctantly shuffled to the corner of her living room to wait for Cassandra to come home. She was so dreadfully humiliated.
After what felt like an eternity of boredom, Bella heard the front door open and heel clicks approaching her.
"Thank you Mother, for being so obedient, please come and sit", Cassandra spoke warmly and lovingly now, as she took a seat on the opposing couch.
"In a few moments Mother, I am going to take you upstairs to your bedroom, and I am going to put you over my knee!"
Bella's face twisted and her tummy churned.
"There is something I wish to chat with you about Mother, so lets go get this over with".
"Upstairs with you". Cassandra strictly ordered.
"Alright Mother, get over my knee!"
Mistress Andrea
Continued in: Summer gets punished by the pilot
What does she want to do to her mother?